Example sentences of "that they [verb] nothing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only four authorities stated categorically that they spent nothing on training , although some very low sums per annum — £25 , £50 — were mentioned .
2 ‘ He said that Arabs were savages and that they ate nothing but camel dung . ’
3 All this was done by the morning of the I twelfth day ; and all that day the people of the Cid were busied in making ready their arms , and in loading beasts with all that they had , so that they left nothing of any price in the whole city of Valencia , save only the empty houses .
4 Nonetheless , the absence of labourers is more apparent than real : the local practice of not assessing goods of less value than £2 did not mean that any personal property owned by people of the labouring sort was generally ignored , for a good many men later taxed on wages owned goods worth anything up to £10 in 1522 , which ( unless perhaps having disposed of , say , a beast or two ) they managed to conceal from the taxman and convince him that they had nothing but the minimum in wages .
5 Hazel , sensing at once that they had nothing in common with himself and his companions , started and sat up tensely .
6 So terrified of doing the wrong thing that they do nothing at all — except bleat like sheep about their petty rules and regulations and their morality .
7 The trouble with architect-designed houses on estates is that they have nothing like an open fire .
8 J K Galbraith calls this the culture of content , in which the comfortable can kid themselves that they owe nothing of their comfort to the state , to politics , or the exploitation of others .
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