Example sentences of "that it [be] not possible " in BNC.

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1 erm I 'm conscious of the fact that I 've been going on for perhaps too long and I may not have said quite enough about Darwin , but let me just finish by saying this that it 's not possible today , I believe , to discuss any important problem in biology without Darwin 's thought being absolutely central to what you 're saying all the time .
2 Well , I mean I suppose erm I feel as a parent myself that it 's not possible to make tolerable for children a situation which is in fact humanly intolerable .
3 Fretwell-Downing Data Systems head of sales Charles Mobbs frequently points out that it is not possible to buy a piece of software and a manual from him and then walk away : partnership between supplier and customer is the approach .
4 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
5 The spacing of such steps on pointe is so minute and so fast that it is not possible to see the change of feet as one succeeds the other .
6 Basically our belief is that it is not possible to make a profit .
7 But it hardly supports the conclusion which , without further ado , Berkeley draws from it : that it is not possible that sensible things ‘ should have any existence out of the minds or thinking things which perceive them ’ .
8 And I like to think in fifty or a hundred years ' time it will not be possible for any orchestra to play sloppily and claim that it is not possible to do better .
9 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
10 In La Route des Flandres , the fluctuations between first and third person mean that it is not possible to contend that the novel 's discourse is organized entirely around the consciousness of the central character Georges , who otherwise seems to be re-creating his experiences in the course of a night in bed with the widow of his commanding officer , some time after the wartime conflict .
11 Egenhofer ( 1989 ) , in work on the testing of query processors , suggests that it is not possible to hide the implementation structure of the query at the interface .
12 He concedes that it is not possible , within the compass available , to give ‘ a representative sample ’ of what all psychology is about , and readers will share his own frustrations at the omissions .
13 The needs are so varied and require such specialist and informed help that it is not possible to deal with them here .
14 The flexible winding of the organ allows the music to sing and breathe in a way that it is not possible with conventional bellows , and Schrader 's performances , like the instrument , are bold and bracing .
15 Instead we are talking about a series of complex configurations of politics , economics and ideology that recursively interact to guarantee that it is not possible to understand what is happening in the local economies of Glasgow , Liverpool or Birmingham in the UK or Baltimore , New York or Toronto in North America without reference to inner city policies wedded to a particular form of symbolic , frequently spectacular , regeneration .
16 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
17 In the tradition of Advaita or non-Dualism he refers to the soul , ( Ātman ) , and God , ( Brahman ) , as knowers rather than objects of knowledge and claims that it is not possible for mortal beings by the use of reason alone to know the knower of knowing .
18 The Inland Revenue has stated that it is not possible to set hard and fast rules to determine whether an ex gratia payment made to an employee who intends to seek further employment will be treated as made in connection with retirement ( p 105 ) .
19 In response to a letter from the Law Society , the Revenue states that it is not possible to set hard and fast rules to determine whether a payment made to an employee who intends to seek further employment will be treated as made in connection with retirement .
20 The betting odds here are extraordinarily long ; theory suggests that it is not possible to liberate useful energy this way nor is there any natural phenomenon that gives us confidence that this can occur .
21 What is meant is really that it is not possible to learn to sign like a deaf person , i.e. without an ‘ accent ’ .
22 This suggests that considerable diversification of the vertebrate skeleton had already taken place by Lower Ordovician times and , furthermore , that it is not possible on the basis of antiquity alone to predict whether a micromeric or macromeric skeleton is the more primitive vertebrate condition .
23 Due to the restrictions imposed by the airlines and the railways , we regret that it is not possible for passengers to take their own bikes .
24 The huge quantity of works which are the responsibility of the Soprintendenza means that it is not possible for all restoration campaigns to be carried out by in-house staff .
25 There is an important methodological point worth discussing here , for Freud points out that it is not possible simply to take what people themselves say are the reasons for the taboos they practise , for if the reasons are unconscious , they will not be able to do this .
26 A court of the United States may order the issuance of a subpoena requiring the appearance as a witness before it , or before a person or body designated by it , of a national or resident of the United States who is in a foreign country , or requiring the production of a specified document or other thing by him , if the court finds that particular testimony or the production of the document or other thing by him is necessary in the interests of justice , and , in other than a criminal action or proceeding , if the court finds , in addition , that it is not possible to obtain his testimony in admissible form without his personal appearance or to obtain the production of the document or other thing in any other manner .
27 Readers wishing to make a similar tray should note that it is not possible to assign values arbitrarily to the sides of the rectangle and ‘ rise ’ of both flaps and expect the resulting outline to be a smooth one .
28 Readability researchers often emphasise that it is not possible to use a formula to assess difficulty at the individual sentence level ; a formula or graph can only make predictions about difficulty at a global level .
29 Even if we are able to show that it is not possible for there to be people who feel as we do but have no disposition to behave as we do , or vice versa , the behaviourist way of doing this seems too extreme .
30 We might argue for a logical ordering between Levels 1 and 2 on the grounds that it is not possible to measure differences between people if you do not realise that they vary .
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