Example sentences of "that none [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Note that none of the existing module names can be altered using this option .
2 Note that none of the existing module names can be altered using this option .
3 It should be , however , noted that none of the complex anti-avoidance provisions that protect that boundary have been repealed : others have , in fact , been added since 1988 .
4 Simply because Japan appears to be different we should guard against reversing the image by suggesting that none of the standard elements of Japanese work practices is present in the West , and that workplace conflict is rare in Japan .
5 Professor Glennerster says that his research shows that none of the alleged scares about the scheme could be found to be true .
6 Such is the importance of these events that none of the radical changes in Japan over the last 150 years can be properly understood without reference to them .
7 This case is similar to that of Wright et al in that none of the intestinal tissue provided morphological evidence of lymphoma but differs in the unusual finding of a high grade lymphoma in the pleural lesion .
8 An understandable reaction , and it is understandable , too , that none of the other towns of Philistia bid to house the ark instead .
9 It should have been a warning to me when I noticed that none of the other foreigners was going anywhere near the wicker-basket toboggans , each with two dapper attendants .
10 As I remember , I was even readier to advance in class the theories of , for instance , F. L. Lucas on the decline of the Romantic ideal , or E.M.Y. Tillyard on poetry direct and oblique , while suspecting that none of the other girls ( or perhaps even the teachers ) had read the books in question .
11 But you can soften the blow by telling his Dad that none of the other dads can do it either .
12 ‘ It 's just that none of the other three had any family to protest . ’
13 She slipped quietly out of the hotel , grateful that none of the other cast members were around to witness her departure , and made her way to the car park .
14 The user should close down the LIFESPAN system if it is running and ensure that none of the other stand-alone LIFESPAN utilities are running .
15 I then had a responsibility as the team leader to ensure that the rest of the house was secure and that none of the other units were having any problems .
16 ‘ Being a young , enthusiastic , naive sort , I volunteered to do extra shifts in the newsroom , including the late night shifts that none of the other reporters wanted to do .
17 I am told that none of the new franchise applications have senior women as part of their management .
18 You can not imagine him putting up with the committee which apparently advised Elizabeth II in 1960 to buy an all too committee-like selection of modern artists — Nolan , Lowry , Hitchens , Davie — chosen , one suspects , so that none of the great men felt left out .
19 If , then , this column is going to be devoted to what could be called the ecology ( or Eco-logy ) of popular culture , it 's obliged to recognize that none of the emblematic artifices and artefacts of that culture , be they movies , commercials , headlines , photographs , typefaces , fashions or fads , can any longer be trusted to be ‘ innocent ’ ; that even if the crisp elegance of the typeface in which this article is embedded emits a ‘ meaning ’ as much as does the text itself , that meaning is also just as conscious and deliberate .
20 It is also believed that none of the injured has made a complaint to the police .
21 There is also , judging by the folks I talk to , a band of floating voters who feel that none of the major parties represents their aspirations .
22 It was a pity that none of the Scandinavian allies were willing to co-operate with the scheme .
23 Glancing around at the rest , she could see that none of the small hovels was secured against intruders .
24 So far as the genesis of the revolutionary intelligentsia is concerned , revisionist work suggests that none of the traditional explanations is entirely satisfactory .
25 They have yet to learn what thinking people who are honest with themselves already know , namely , that all history shows that none of the worshipped ‘ gods ’ has ever directly provided anything .
26 The elegant studies undertaken by Bissell et al showed that none of the individual major matrix proteins used as a culture substratum would maintain hepatocyte function as effectively as the complete EHS gel complex .
27 Due care must be taken to ensure that none of the primary wiring comes into electrical contact with the wiring on the secondary side of the transformer .
28 In these great welfare state totalitarianisms therefore , as in the modern world , child-rearing regimes could regress to pre-agricultural styles , and oral indulgence , Oedipal rivalry and incestuous fixation could all be allowed to occur in the individual because the state bureaucracies would see to it that none of the undesirable consequences of these things occurred in reality .
29 In 1974 , he decided that none of the developmental systems being studied really gave him what he needed for a study of development .
30 She reached for her handbag , and with a hurried final glance at the mirror to reassure herself that none of the inner turmoil showed she locked the flat and went out .
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