Example sentences of "that it [be] essential that " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , this approach has been included in the Department of Health guidelines ( DHSS 1984 ) with the recommendation that it is essential that each new intake of junior medical staff receives adequate psychiatric training in the assessment of attempted suicide patients , and that the physicians have regular access to psychiatrists to ensure that clinical standards are maintained .
2 Nevertheless , there are certain overriding priorities and the Secretary of State considers that it is essential that all pupils in the third and fourth years of secondary education should study English , Mathematics and Science .
3 She believes that it is essential that her children grow up in the outside world and not be hidden away in the artificial environment of a royal palace .
4 It must be emphasised , therefore , that it is essential that management monitor and frequently check the competence of their surveying staff , the methods of measurement used , and that sub-contractor 's accounts are accurate and up to date .
5 Alongside our desire to see new legislation , we believe that it is essential that positive action is taken immediately to tackle all existing minerals permissions .
6 And I think it is , we would all agree , that it is essential that an agreement which is acceptable to all sides is reached , and I 'm sure that it 's going to be because let us not forget that we 're not in business to remain in perpetual opposition if we are to achieve proper rights for employees , which have been so reduced by the Conservatives if we are to save the welfare state , which is now so under threat if we are to obtain decent health and education services , which are also under threat if we are to create a strong economy and a strong recovery which provides the jobs which we so desperately need then we must win power !
7 Will he please bear in mind the fact that it is essential that , where possible , we buy from British manufacturers across the country ?
8 I apologise for the length of this letter but I do believe that it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what it is we are to do .
9 If that is to happen however , I believe My Lords that it is essential that local authorities should feel that they have a real contribution to make in the policing of their areas .
10 It does , however , mean that it is essential that PR has direct access to the board in order that PR programmes can be sanctioned and executed with full backing from top management .
11 Some took the view that it was essential that English be made less " remote from the living interests of the average adolescent " , A few even attempted to move literary education in the direction of political " confrontation . "
12 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
13 Vieira said on May 13 , 1990 , that the PAIGC had begun the process of creating conditions for the introduction of a multiparty system , adding that it was essential that this process developed in a spirit of dialogue and on a non-tribal basis .
14 This in particular ( i ) warned that it was essential that the additional demands on resources associated with reconstruction in the Middle East , unification in Germany , the economic transformation of eastern Europe and prospects for reform in the Soviet Union should be met by reductions in the absorption of saving by governments and an increase in private saving , and that an important contribution could be made by " reassessing spending on defence and subsidies " ; ( ii ) expressed concern over delays in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations [ see this page ] ; ( iii ) welcomed the continuing commitment of eastern European countries to stabilizing and reforming their economies along market-oriented lines in spite of the added difficulties caused by the collapse of trade in the former COMECON area ; and ( iv ) also welcomed the intention of the authorities in the Soviet Union to " intensify reliance on market mechanisms and to integrate the economy into the multilateral trade and payments system " .
15 At a concluding press conference the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev , stressed that it was essential that there be only one nuclear successor state to the Soviet Union , since otherwise there would be " a radical geostrategic change in the world " .
16 He told Davidson that ‘ a Socialist Government would have an opportunity of learning their administrative duties and responsibilities under favourable conditions and that it was essential that their rights under the Constitution should in no way be impaired ’ .
17 He also submitted that it was essential that a jury should reach a rational conclusion by a rational process of thought , and he further submitted that it was wholly irrational for them in effect to hold that the first appellant did not act in concert with the second appellant , but that the second appellant acted in concert with the first appellant .
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