Example sentences of "that [pos pn] father [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When they asked him where it was that my father had wanted to build the gallery , he said something like , ‘ Well , you know , it 's that place near the pond between the pond and the obelisk ’ , meaning the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool .
2 And I have lots of letters which I discovered about five years ago , which I thought were probably letters that my father had written it , Adam , because his name and my grandfather 's name were exactly the same .
3 What had happened , because his holidays coincided with mine , was that my father had become my mother as well as my father , in the sense that it was he and not she who was always at home .
4 My husband gave me the news that my father had died back in the village .
5 It simply said that my father had died : it asked me to come home .
6 I remembered , however , that my father had told me of this sort of thing happening in the past , and the sands had always returned over the following few weeks and months .
7 It was low and cracked to begin with , then it rose up the scale , eerily , and shook out its top notes across the damp , half-lit glade until I really did think that my father had come not from the hospital but from some horribly , cold , empty region that lies in wait for us instead of all the heavens we have dreamed up to make things bearable .
8 I , the only one of his children who had not gone on to the stage , had inherited the famous Breakspear eyes , the Breakspear height , the Breakspear cheekbones , the brooding Breakspear presence that my father had used to break the hearts of unnumbered women .
9 Somewhat earlier , Sarah Fyge Egerton complained in poems , admittedly less violent , that her father had banished her from London for publishing ‘ The Female Advocate ’ .
10 In 1991 the girl made allegations that her father had abused her sexually .
11 Another said that her father had made her more aware of science ,
12 According to Miss Macdonald it was at Kate 's insistence that her father had become involved with Ingard — but Miss Macdonald 's views on Kate were not necessarily accurate .
13 ‘ You bitch ! ’ he whispered as the car drew up in front of the country house hotel that her father had decided was good enough for the reception to celebrate the wedding of his only daughter to the reigning world champion .
14 The whole episode had been so horrendous , so traumatic , that her father had chosen to wipe the board clean of it — on a superficial level , at least .
15 She wrinkled her nose in irritation , wishing that her father had had the foresight to warn her that it had not been fully completed , instead of waving her on her way with a cheery remark about how the change would do her good .
16 She took one last look at herself in the wardrobe mirror before she pulled on the sheepskin that her father had bought her for Christmas .
17 Rain said if Maureen did it suggested a powerful reason for her certainty that her father had died for political reasons .
18 It was the complaint of the Empress Matilda that her father had married her , an empress , to a count .
19 It was a weakness that her father had left her with long ago and she had never conquered it .
20 She had n't given much thought to what the house that her father had left would be like , but she had not gained the impression that it was anything like this .
21 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said tightly , aware that her father had left them alone deliberately .
22 It was wonderful to be back in this little room , to know that her father had walked past this door and even been in here .
23 She writes to tell me that her father has found a house that will be suitable for us .
24 The child 's own feelings were split between mortification at a christening that doomed him to live out for good a pun that he could already see to be gruesome and pride that his father had cared for him enough to embed him into his act by the very roots of his name .
25 He sensed that his father had moved away and guessed what he must be doing : fortifying the boards with the heaviest things he could drag : the sack of provisions , the bench-boards , the high chair itself .
26 He was disappointed , too , that his father had given up artistic ideals in the pursuit of money .
27 It was also believed that Menelik visited his father Solomon , and on his departure contrived to substitute a copy of the Ark of the Covenant that his father had given him for the original , which he then carried off to Aksum .
28 Two main lines were carried on by Richard Chaloner , cooper , and George , the youngest son who inherited the cottage and smithy that his father had erected on a piece of waste land east of the church , together with the lease of 3 acres of land enclosed from Myddlewood .
29 He looked again at the newspaper account of the adjourned inquest that his father had saved for him .
30 He bought back as many as possible of those that his father had sold , and added a few more ; in 1971 he published a useful short account of the history of the collection , together with a handlist based on the latest critical opinion ; and he designed , and had woven in Spain , a carpet for the gallery , a room seventy-two feet long , with a pattern repeating the intricate stucco-work of the ceiling .
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