Example sentences of "that [be] [adv] often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Fancy Patterns : This really does cover many stitch types and is intended for those patterns that are most often used for single colour work , where the design relies on texture rather than contrasting colours to form the pattern .
2 Now I 've used it elsewhere in the garden and I 've never really had any problem with it except it is inclined to make the water very alkaline because the chippings that are quite often used on a flat roof and they 've got a very high P H and therefore you 've got to be aware that the water that comes off is not likely to be soft it 's more likely to be fair fairly hard but for reasonably tough plants I do n't think I would waste it , especially in times of water shortage .
3 This is not simply a matter of those aspects of women 's sexual lives that are so often cited in evidence as disqualifying women from running the affairs of nations , or even from running a small business : menstruation and premenstrual tension ; conception , pregnancy and childbirth ; lactation and child-care .
4 But taking care is not enough to stop the kind of terrible crimes that are so often carried out by people who are truly evil or sick .
5 ‘ Those are the areas that are very often penetrated and therefore serious complications result , ’ he said .
6 I think it is the critical statements , rather than the words of praise , that are more often uttered in the hearing of girls .
7 It is the area that is most often relegated to the ‘ we 'll do that when there 's time ’ list and , when it is undertaken , it is in forms that are threatening , unrealistic , irrelevant , time consuming and unused .
8 To this end , we must inculcate in our students not only enabling skills such as fluency in English , particularly written English , IT competence , and the ability to communicate but also creative , problem-solving skills — the phrase that is most often used is ‘ transferable skills ’ — which include a willingness to engage with new concepts and techniques .
9 There are two main methods of budding — that which may be regarded as the traditional way , and another ‘ new ’ method that is more often used for other shrubs and trees — although we were using it 40 years ago on both bush and standard roses .
10 They are not even about the accessibility of services , and they are certainly not about the development of economic and social policies — something that is so often ignored in the scramble to fragment and disintegrate what was built up over the last century by local government people of all political persuasions .
11 It avoided the mistake that is so often made .
12 In terms of the content of this newer work — the question that is so often evaded — it is probably true to say that much of it has been ultimately concerned with the processes and exercise of power .
13 There was certainly not the constant locking , unlocking and clanging of doors nor was there the feeling of oppression that is so often felt when moving around most prisons .
14 This is a stimulating and rewarding read , providing insight into why and how a writer operates , as well as creating interest in Scottish and Irish poetry that is so often neglected by the English establishment .
15 This being the thing that was most often said about him .
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