Example sentences of "that [pron] felt [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 This was something that I felt I had to speak up about . ’
2 ‘ But I knew at the time that I felt I had something to offer and that 's why I wanted to come back and be a manager again .
3 Youthful confidence , I suppose , or perhaps it was simply that I felt I had no alternative , there was nothing else I could do . ’
4 There were two such concepts in particular that I felt I had to include .
5 As far as Simon knew , the late-night callouts were an occasional part of the job that she did n't much like , but said that she felt she had to do .
6 WHEN Stephanie Cole went to the read-through of the BBC2 film Memento Mori , there were so many famous names present that she felt she 'd stumbled into Who 's Who in the Theatre .
7 But consider now a misgiving voiced by Linda Woodbridge and shared by many others : ‘ To me the one unsatisfying feature of the otherwise stimulating transvestite movement is that it had to be transvestite : Renaissance women so tar accepted the masculine rules of the game that they felt they had to look masculine to be ‘ free'' ’ ( Women and the English Renaissance , 145 ) .
8 Indeed , a recurrent theme among these women was that they felt they had no right to benefit , that they were getting something for nothing , in marked contrast to a wage .
9 Mr Browning , who believes the bronzes were smuggled out of the country and later bought by the galleries , said that he felt he had been ‘ led up the garden path ’ .
10 George took early retirement at the age of 59 , and there 's no doubt that he felt he had been pushed — he had loved his job as a laboratory manager for a large company , but the firm was making massive redundancies , and he had to go .
11 No doubt , it was for such men as Peter Bouverie that he felt he had been called to come south .
12 Certainly the picture of him during this period is of a man haunted by guilt and remorse ; it seems that he felt he had no right to happiness , and the death of his wife had only served to convince him that he had done some irreparable harm to another human being , for which he must undergo a period of punishment .
13 It was the fact that he felt he had done it right the first time and not nearly as well the second time .
14 He was so moved by what he saw inside the orphange that he felt he had to do something to give the children a better start .
15 Could it be that what he was feeling was a kind of envy , in the sense that he 'd brought her here , to a place that he felt he 'd made his own , and in a matter of weeks she 'd already grown closer to it than he could ever hope to be ?
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