Example sentences of "that [pron] should take [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She feels that I should take my cod and coalfish , garfish and grayling , salmon and sole and even the shark steaks , and install them in the old deep freeze in the garage .
2 A further discussion with Sir Henry led us to agree that the telegram must be delivered , but that I should take it in person to the Editor and see if something less embarrassing could be agreed .
3 Gazzer felt closer to Marie now than he had ever done before , and it mattered to him very much that she should take him seriously .
4 As for the walks — did not Miss Cress tell you — but I am sure she did — that you should take your mother out occasionally ?
5 We soon became fast friends , and the brothers joked that we should take him with us on our journey .
6 Sabine welcomed Marie-Christine 's suggestion that they should take their coffee up to her room , and look at some furniture catalogues .
7 In a way it was flattering that they should take his word .
8 How ironic that it should take me so long to know how I feel about a man and then in that same moment realise that he really is the bastard I first took him for !
9 Apparently this did not produce the desired reaction from Stanley , so Wyatt went on 17th December to see Scott who , with a disarming naïveté , immediately agreed to a proposal from Wyatt that he should take him on as an equal partner and relinquish half the work to him .
10 It seemed inevitable after this that he should take himself to the nearest fish and chip shop to eat his supper .
11 A suggestion that he should take her out to lunch , instead , did n't , surprisingly , fall flat .
12 The mystified motorist whose car has gone wrong may know only that it needs repair and that he should take it to a mechanic : his competence to deal with the matter may go no further .
13 Enraged that he should take it on himself to tell her the state of her own business , and bristling at the manner in which he spoke of her precious son , Esther said sharply , ‘ Whatever is or is not in the coffers is nothing whatsoever to do with you !
14 When she came back from Confession , uncomforted , she found her cell mate kicking the doctor who was trying to feed her , and at the same time yelling that he should take his hat off in the presence of a lady .
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