Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb past] not love " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I should have been frank with her , admitted honestly that I did n't love her and that if she insisted on marrying me she would be condemning both of us to a joyless union .
2 That feeling lasted a while but after we 'd had the children something changed and I slowly realized that I did n't love her anymore .
3 ‘ In the end she had to realise she could n't manipulate me — that I did n't love her and never had in the true sense of the word .
4 Perhaps Lou had told him the monstrous lie that I did n't love him any more ?
5 It was not that I did not love her .
6 Realising that she had not loved him , Boris then starved himself to death .
7 She knew that she did not love him but , more , she knew that despite his sophistication , he was not enough for her .
8 Through the long slow hours of darkness he saw her lovely face and forgot that she did not love him .
9 She found that she was able to think of Johnny dispassionately , and she acknowledged to herself with honesty , and a new clarity of understanding , that she did not love him , nor ever could .
10 She forgot that she had decided that she did not love Johnny and wanted him out of her life .
11 Leith began , but , when she was about to declare that she did not love Travis , she suddenly remembered that , in covering for him and Rosemary , she could not be selective .
12 Then suddenly , while aware she had told him that she did not love Travis , she realised that here was her chance of clouding the issue of who it was that she did love .
13 Was it true that she did n't love anyone ?
14 You could argue it was n't his fault that Clare was killed — or that she did n't love me as much as I loved her — and I 'd have to agree .
15 It was n't that she did n't love them — or want to — she just could n't .
16 She was very fond of him , of course , but she knew that she did n't love him .
17 She burst into tears and said she had not meant to criticize me ; it was just that we did n't love her , nobody did , and she had only her ‘ things ’ to care for now .
18 Johnson 's famous comment about Kit Smart suggests that some people were actually content with their dirt : ‘ Another charge was , that he did not love clean linen ; and I have no passion for it ’ .
19 Wherever she went , there would always be the knowledge deep within her that she loved Rourke , and that he did not love her in return .
20 ‘ And , ’ she went on , ‘ I was compelled to end my engagement to Havvie when I discovered that he did not love me at all … merely wanted Papa 's dollars , and , worse , despised us , all of us , for being rich and vulgar Yankees .
21 She waited , having given him the opening , but suggestions of love and marriage — or anything remotely related to them — still remained unspoken , and , sadly , she realised that he did not love her .
22 Knowing that Adam always liked to keep his options open , Miranda was forced to the lonely conclusion that he did n't love her enough to commit himself to her for life .
23 She whined that he did n't love her .
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