Example sentences of "i give you [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 say I give you no authorization
2 I give you a toast , ’ he said , waving a doubled-over piece of waffle on his fork in salute .
3 I 'm going to bring in some illuminated medieval books for you to have a look at , because what you 're going to do is to write this out in best on special paper using illuminated letters and if you 're very good we will try to get them laminated so that we can keep them as an example of what year seven students can produce as their best work , to say to everybody , hey look at this , this is very good , now we ca n't do that if I give you a sheet of A four paper and you manage to fill less than a quarter of that space , so you 're going to need a minimum of ten different things that you would like to say you think are important , you believe are important , you believe they 're valuable and your homework over the next week is to finish that list if you want it to rhyme , well yes you can work on it to make it rhyme , if you want to have what we call rhyming couplet , er just one moment I have n't said clear away .
4 I 'll give you I give you a clue .
5 come up when I give you a call right ?
6 If I give you a bit of paper and the lot , yeah well you know what to do and go to school and fill them in !
7 Erm if I give you a ring about Sunday or so I will have sorted out cos I 've got quite a few to sort out at the moment .
8 ‘ Well , you can still sing for me , ’ said Bernie , ‘ if I give you a dime . ’
9 I give you a file , it goes into your system .
10 Suppose I give you a partition , you construct the corresponding e.r.
11 So as I said , if I give you a list of numbers , say two- or three- digit numbers
12 Erm simple as that if I give you a list of telephone numbers you 're not likely to remember them for long , you might be able
13 I would n't keep you , I give you a visit one day .
14 Yeah and I give you a lift up to here .
15 I give you a number and you give me some other numbers that are tied up with it in some way .
16 And your function is designed as , when I give you a number , you give me the nearest integer , which is just above it .
17 in another few weeks hard work and you 'll feel very What I 'll do is if I give you a note for a further two months , and we can Is your job safe ?
18 Well the , the bed , there were no spring beds in , that came into my life until many years after , were the old straw palliasses , which were really more hygienic to sleep on than your spring beds , because you get the lumbar trouble with a straw palliasses cos it was just hip firm , I give you an instance I used to , as I was growing older I used to fold my trousers and put them under the mattress to press my trousers so I 'd always got a nice crease in my trousers , they were so solid that er you got y you did n't even get any wrinkles in your trousers in those days .
19 Now I 'm I mean I give you an example .
20 Now if I give you an example of a bit of behaviour where erm a situation and , and er give you an idea of how introverts and extroverts would behave in that area , that may help you to work out which you think you are .
21 If I give you an example .
22 So I give you the choice of a , a Lamborghini or a Rover what would you rather have ?
23 But before I give you the assignment sheet , erm , how are you getting on ?
24 I will pay you back , I promise , as soon as I get payed , I give you the money back .
25 But er no , we were talking and she said if I give you the money you wo n't go and spend it on the
26 ‘ No , my lord , ’ ( such courtesy again , and such artful courtesy too , as we shall see ! ) ‘ hear me ; I give you the field , and I give you the cave that is in it ; in the presence of the sons of my people I give it to you ; bury your dead . ’
27 you can write down these words , that would then be given you a clue things that you could be saying to your customers , where , right , if you start thinking about the job that you 're doing and I give you the word where , right you think of the number of times you can use the word where , with a customer , right
28 So I give you the address the , the tel telephone number , you can ring her up
29 ‘ No , my lord , ’ ( such courtesy again , and such artful courtesy too , as we shall see ! ) ‘ hear me ; I give you the field , and I give you the cave that is in it ; in the presence of the sons of my people I give it to you ; bury your dead . ’
30 I give you the input and you tell me the answer .
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