Example sentences of "i come [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the dream , ‘ When I come up on the Pools ’ became the Fifties equivalent of breaking the bank at Monte Carlo for the Edwardians .
2 It cheers me up as I come up in the lift and stagger out blinking in the daylight .
3 And I come on to the mi middle
4 ( They get up — To GUIL ) I come on in a minute .
5 Cos I come in on the Friday after I picked her up from school .
6 Charlie 'd said he wanted to phone Lilian and when I come back over the road he was in a phone box .
7 If I go to a match in Europe , I come back to a stack of videos and I can hardly be bothered .
8 It is carried against , and so I come back to the new erm section being proposed by Professor on anti-semitism and concurred by the convenor , Dr , and put it to the assembly .
9 I come back to the word ‘ assumption ’ in section 3(1) .
10 I come back to the Minister on the question of Scottish Development Agency assistance to Stagecoach .
11 tourism in West Sussex I mean what would happen to that is just one example er on a broader level , the County Council is working with the European regions to promote West Sussex in Europe and what would happen to that , the only conclusion we could draw is that these policies would crumble and to er seriously affect West Sussex and finally I come back to the point that , that I will keep making , if I ever get the opportunity , namely the cost of this exercise .
12 And so it seems to me that what has got to be proven , and I come back to the point , is that something has changed and we have n't heard anything that has changed er in in that time .
13 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
14 I come back with an armful of dead birch to find Tony digging films out of a snowdrift near the tent .
15 Then , when I come back with the welding torch , no sign of the bastard .
16 It seems that every time I come back from a big disappointment I win . ’
17 ‘ Could we meet downstairs later , after I come back from the course ? ’
18 I tell you what I 'll speak to you when I come back from the chippie yeah
19 ‘ I 've locked up the cottage and when I come back in a couple of days I shall sell up my sister 's belongings .
20 It was the last lesson of the day and I could n't help it , but I come out with a big burp in the middle of the lesson and she goes , ‘ Fay , are you feeling all right ? ’ and I says , ‘ Yes Miss , of course I am ’ , and then she goes to me when I did it again , ‘ FAY ! ’ and I goes , ‘ It 's all right ’ , I goes , ‘ Pardon me , Miss .
21 They 've been driving me mad ever since I moved in , but as soon as I come out with a gun they all disappear .
22 When I come out into the light at the end , I look for the white van .
23 ‘ When I come out of a house having heard a victim laugh for the first time since it all happened — I know that 's why I do it , ’ she says .
24 I says I 'm gon na stop with me father and they said well , we 're sorry to lose you but we know this trade 's know good to you and we hope that you 'll stay with your dad and , well I did , I stayed with me dad until , as I say after I come out of the army and they would n't let me increase me coal trade .
25 Each time I come out of the onto I 'm impressed by the fact that the snow has been much more pronounced on our side of the road than on the other , which has cleared much more quickly .
26 So at twenty to seven I come out of the Earls Court hotel into the street and look around for him .
27 When I come out of the , I 'd a th thing I never told you which you should have known , when I come out of the war there were , we was only getting twenty seven and tanner a week in the stables .
28 When I come out of the , I 'd a th thing I never told you which you should have known , when I come out of the war there were , we was only getting twenty seven and tanner a week in the stables .
29 I come out of the rubbish yard , pick up Vinnie 's knife , and follow Ludo across the ground .
30 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
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