Example sentences of "i might [not/n't] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 I was in hospital for nearly three months and , at first , the doctors thought I might not be able to walk again .
2 I smiled , benignly I hoped , wondering about laying a hand on head or shoulder but fearing I might not be able to carry it off .
3 The tent might blow away , I might get bitten by a snake , or I might not be able to pay back the £1,500 I had borrowed to finance the trip .
4 But if I had to choose a hunter for work in a particular type of country I should have a pretty good idea which would be the best animal to pick , though I might not be able to tell you how I went about it . ’
5 I knew that one day I might be asked to walk on the edge of knives like the little mermaid , and was afraid that I might not be able to bear the pain .
6 " Yes , but I might not be able to come back — it 's all so un "
7 I felt as if I was under a terrible spell , and I trembled , afraid that I might not be able to escape .
8 For a second I considered whether I might not be able to make a meal from the remains , but , not only was the edge off my appetite , there was something repulsive about the thought of eating carrion , however fresh it looked .
9 Because I might find them or because I might not be able to ?
10 So that was when I first started to be told about the possibility that I might not be able to have any children .
11 Carroll , whose continuing achilles injury has resulted in Gallagher stepping in as his deputy in recent games , admitted : ‘ Mick was brilliant , and if he carries on like that I might not be able to get my place back . ’
12 No , I 'm just trying to work out how long I 'm gon na be practising for West Side Story tomorrow because you might have to take my money my pocket money tomorrow I might not be able to get like home , sort of cos er I I might be practising till bloody six o'clock for all I know so I 'll get some chips or something .
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