Example sentences of "i can remember [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cos my mother has taken slimming tablets , I can remember a kid , being a kid and my mother always used to take slimming tablets to lose weight .
2 If you did end up as a German , however , you still played to win and I can remember a kind of perverse pleasure in being determined to win , even though I was a German , which was something of a contradiction .
3 Er all I can remember a lot of plants coming .
4 I do n't think I can remember a community reacting with such shock .
5 I can remember a party dress that I loved — a white one with bright , tiny flowers on and lace trimming .
6 I can remember every track I 've ever raced on , every bump , every turn … ’
7 If I can get hold of the erm the name If I can remember the name .
8 I can remember the Plumford address .
9 Fortunately there was little damage , so I can remember the event with hilarity .
10 I can remember the session very well .
11 On the last day Seve birdied the first hole and Hale took a six on the second , I can remember the scoring because in those days I had to mark all the cards , and I remember putting Irwin down for a six — and then the card blew in to the bunker on the second and I had to go chasing after it .
12 I can remember the past , and be afraid of it .
13 I did no work that I can remember — I know I was considered hopeless by my teachers and I was quite ready to believe I was hopeless — I can quite well remember keeping mice at the back of the classroom and I can remember the smell .
14 I can remember the damage to furniture and carpets , which was immense in 1974 .
15 I can remember the butcher that was a butcher on Road .
16 I can remember the skills of Stubbins , Milburn , Lawton and Tommy Taylor .
17 He beamed at them again and Caspar was beginning to relax , because it seemed as if they might escape after all and Fenella was remembering about magic being very nearly everyday here , when Pumlumon said , ‘ Of course , that 's so long as I can remember the words . ’
18 She used to right up and , I can remember the sort of hot days , you know
19 It so happens that I can remember the firsts serious poem that I wrote and published , which was actually when I was in my mid-twenties .
20 Yes , I 'm hearing the , the business anti-hostile feeling towards the monarchy in Scotland , and yet I can remember the Silver Jubilee celebrations when these same undertones were about , and yet , she was greeted on her royal progress all over Scotland , even in areas that you would n't have expected with vast crowds !
21 I can remember the woodwork master coming up from behind and clapping his hand heavily upon my back and saying " Now , Basil , " but that back clapping nearly killed me ; it was a shattering blow and I was a skinnily thin creature .
22 Twice I can remember the Kirkwall Brass Brand pray playing in the cinema and twice I remember a circus visiting .
23 I can remember the moment I decided I wanted to be a politician really quite well .
24 I can remember the swirl and flourish of the ferry boats at full tide race like young girls dancing coquettishly , flouncing their skirts to the side .
25 I can remember the days when doctors were considered not far short of the Almighty .
26 There must have been a big business even when the deep litter started cos I can remember the farm next door to us working a deep litter .
27 I can remember the rave music .
28 He later explained his reasons in English Farming , and Why I Turned It Up ( 1894 ) in the preface to which he wrote : ‘ I can remember the time when people used to talk to me about farming and explain how I ought to go about it .
29 Well every , you know erm I can remember the time er when I first went and they used to have silver er plated of course , silver plated water jugs on the counter and silver plated sugar bowls with tongs and loaf sugar for people to use and of course well and when you see the war came along , you see , they were all taken away because , you see , we had troop trains we were up day and night so the troops with tea .
30 Although , erm you know , I I can remember the time when I have not been a , quite enjoyed having bread and butter and chips .
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