Example sentences of "i was sit [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I was sitting under a tree opposite our trench , chatting to a Scottish friend .
2 I was sitting under a tree in the evening coolness and I watched her .
3 One afternoon after tennis I was sitting on a drawing-room sofa at Bemersyde when Dawyck 's dog , a long black cocker spaniel called Wasp , came and nuzzled up against me in the most friendly manner .
4 As a 13-year-old child , I was sitting on a train when a middle-aged man came over and started talking .
5 And I used this line but it did n't sound so effective because I was sitting on a bicycle .
6 I was sitting on a chair near the door , and I could just hear Greta Ross 's voice speaking on the phone .
7 On another occasion I was sitting on a bank with my feet on the headland , and Walter was coming along with his horses .
8 I was sitting on a seat in the park , enjoying the sunshine , when suddenly I felt deathly sick .
9 I was sitting on a timebomb .
10 A few months later I was sitting at a table opposite three Foreign Office officials .
11 ‘ They sent me out to do a match report and while I was sitting at a desk typing it up , Captain Bob appeared in the office , attracted by the presence of television cameras .
12 I was sitting outside a little café in Avignon enjoying a quiet glass of Pernod when I first saw Emily .
13 I was sitting in a friend 's garden where I had gone to seek the Lord , and as I was reading the words of Jesus I knew , with a peace and a joy which passed understanding , the call of God .
14 I was sitting in a corner with Ann Sheridan , just a few tables away from Bogie and Mayo .
15 Michael , at a push , will admit to being the most sensible of the three ; Andy , Mr Agreeable and Fyfe , Mr Invisible ( ‘ I was sitting in a cab with someone from the record company and they turned round to Andy and said ‘ Where 's your drummer ? ’ )
16 I was sitting in a chair when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me : if a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight .
17 I was sitting in a row exactly in front of Harold Wilson and his party , and during the last interval I heard him ask his neighbour whether anyone would ‘ have seen these plays right through ’ .
18 For three hours I was sitting in a dressing gown .
19 I was sitting in a congealed pool of stickiness .
20 I was sitting in a large cinema , with a lot of other people , and there was an American guy talking about the effects of nuclear war .
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