Example sentences of "i see myself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I saw myself as a write-off as far as boyfriends were concerned .
2 I saw myself as a sort of martus among miracle-workers , a surf-chanting troubadour .
3 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
4 Sitting there in the London bound train ( I had thought it would never come into the station , that the whistle would never blow ) , I saw myself in a play , a melodrama perhaps — I felt I had Runaway Daughter written all over me …
5 As I undressed , I saw myself in the mirror .
6 I see myself as a guardian , although I 'm making my own marks with a herb garden and wild flower garden . ’
7 I see myself as a voluntary servant of the composer , not as his slave .
8 But I think I 'll stay here but I see myself as a internationalist as well .
9 With respect , I see myself as a master craftsman , but even craftsmen need quality tools to produce a work of art .
10 This degree is an exciting new venture , and I see myself as the first of many lay people who will benefit from the training here ’ .
11 I see myself on the train , in holiday mood , then walking past sunlit honeyed stone walls with doorways opening into quiet inner worlds of lawns and laughter .
12 But I see myself in a different life
13 When I see myself in the mirror I realise why ; I am very unattractive .
14 I see myself in the Northern European tradition .
15 I see myself in the Northern European tradition .
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