Example sentences of "was filled with [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The kitchen was filled with glorious smells of baking and Angus , with languid largesse , said he would n't notice if we ate a slice or two of his raisin bread , or of his apple and walnut .
2 On the one hand she was filled with total elation at the prospect of soon having Kirsty with her .
3 The office , which displayed portraits of both the last president and the new one , was filled with stale air .
4 The lull between performances was filled with much chatter , hilarity and friendly comradeship which always seem to accompany Medau gatherings .
5 As Eva went into the hostels she realised the Salvation Army was not there to turn people into converts , but that their work must be an extension of Christ 's love : " Jesus Christ did n't say to the man who was filled with many devils — the schizophrenic — " If you follow me I 'll cure you .
6 A band was playing and the room was filled with chattering groups , waiters gliding between them with trays of fruit juice and champagne-filled glasses , others with canapés .
7 The living area was filled with personal belongings , a library of yellowing books , charts , old photographs , pre-decimal coins , a pair of binoculars , even a half full pot of paint with well hardened brush !
8 Fred was filled with simple gratitude .
9 Below , a tightly-packed steel chamber , dark but for a few naked bulbs , was filled with squat metal ten-gallon drums .
10 But she was filled with such tenderness that she cradled his head as he lay against her breasts and whispered , ‘ I 'm sorry , my darling , I 'm sorry … ’
11 Møn was filled with such examples of co-operation , they said .
12 As he galloped away , Anabelle was filled with such joy that she just could n't help singing …
13 The hollow in her stomach was filled with scattered feathers .
14 Sometimes conditions could be even worse : Godwin , for example , describes a London court where ‘ the basement story of nearly all the houses was filled with foetid refuse , of which it had been the receptacle for years ’ , and one water barrel of 50 to 60 gallons is intended to serve two houses , containing between them at least a hundred people .
15 Her mind was filled with all sorts of romantic images — like all brides .
16 The second , where I was held , was filled with Amal prisoners taken in the fighting and with local Lebanese hostages .
17 The barn was filled with harvested crops , leaving only the threshing floor clear .
18 The town was filled with disbanded soldiery from Menelik 's army , and on the hills outside were camped the armies of the various contenders for power .
19 She persisted in her relationship with the new recipe book ; the kitchen at Greystones was filled with strange aromas .
20 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
21 Googol 's voice was filled with black wonder , with a fearful admiration , a certain desolation of the heart , and yes , a horror that nevertheless coursed thrillingly through his nerves .
22 Each of the blank pages at the back of the book was filled with similar phrases .
23 Colchester 's Southway Jobcentre was filled with 31 stalls offering information on various Department of Employment schemes , including the small amount known about programmes announced in the Budget .
24 Her mouth was filled with bilious acids that her stomach had sent up in sympathy .
25 An intermission was filled with several games of bingo and the day was rounded off with cream tea .
26 A pool , still empty , was filled with last year 's yellowing leaves from a nearby orange tree .
27 The air was filled with sublime music and the sound of burning wood was like the soft crackle of melting ice .
28 While the rest of the courtroom was filled with excited anticipation , covert but gloating , the faces of the Frankensteins were all gloomy .
29 Yet when the project was launched in 1985 , Darlington 's rail corridor was filled with derelict buildings , rubble and rubbish a view of the town enjoyed by seven million travellers every year .
30 The fireplace itself was filled with grey ash and cigarette butts .
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