Example sentences of "was prepared [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Roman Catholics were interested that a combination between a Russian refugee , Georges Florovsky , an English high churchman , Michael Ramsey , and a dogmatic Swiss Protestant , Karl Barth , brought the ecumenical movement to an impasse because none of them was prepared to put up with a Protestant federation , and the union of these unlikely allies was too powerful to overcome .
2 Her brother did not know the reason and needed a woman to get close to her , and he was prepared to put up with both Mitch and herself to get to the bottom of things .
3 US officials quoting Kuwaiti sources said on Feb. 26 that the Kuwaiti government was prepared to spend up to $800,000,000 to restore emergency health care , sanitation , communications , transport , utilities , food and water in the first three months after the end of the war .
4 However , she was prepared to go along with the advisory teacher 's point of view in the sessions and reassured herself concerning her own fears by using whole-class lessons to reinforce what she felt pupils should have discovered .
5 He was still not sure that he believed that story , but in her misery was prepared to go along with her .
6 Now he was prepared to live up to the role .
7 And , however much money his mother was prepared to pour in from her American trusts , without firm and continuous direction they would continue to decline .
8 The ANC 's first warning that it was prepared to pull out of the CODESA talks came on June 21 , when the organization 's president , Nelson Mandela , declared that the negotiations process was " in tatters " .
9 His words surprised her at first , then anger took over — an anger so intense that she was prepared to walk out of her marriage and do irreparable damage to the Royal Family .
10 Yet , during the late 1930s , Labour 's clear hostility towards European fascism , and its support of the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War confirmed it to be a party which was prepared to face up to fascism .
11 Sybil gave a knowing smile as if to imply that in the interests of justice she was prepared to face up to this bizarre , extremely unpleasant but undeniable phenomenon .
12 For months SCO has resisted adopting SVR4 even though SCO co-founder Doug Michels recently told Unigram.X he had finally ‘ bitten the ideological bullet ’ and was prepared to step out on the SVR4 road provided it could get the right terms ( UX No 398 ) .
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