Example sentences of "was a clear [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Although Senator Evans tried to minimise the political overtones of this exhibition , Prime Minister Keating 's opening speech was seen as a prelude to his forthcoming trip to Asia , while a message from Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia was a clear indicator of the new diplomatic links between the two countries .
2 The decision in Lawrence was a clear decision of this House upon the construction of the word ‘ appropriate ’ in section 1(1) of the Act , which had stood for 12 years when doubt was thrown upon it by obiter dicta in Morris .
3 It was designed by Sir Albert Richardson ( ‘ the last of the Georgians , ) in 1955 — 59 and in style and use of materials — pinkish brick , reflecting the pages of the FT , bronze window and door frames , and copper cornicing and roof — it was a clear rejection of the Modern movement of the time .
4 It was a clear part of the unions ' pay tactics that groups with a claim to public sympathy , like the health workers , were put in front to establish a going rate .
5 This was a clear case of television influencing the electorate as a whole .
6 Warnie , though he was by all accounts a most delightful and courteous companion , was a clear case of arrested development .
7 It was a clear case of fools rushing in .
8 v. Laughton that was a clear case of unlawful means and the approval should be read with that in mind .
9 It was a clear case of personal patronage , but he was to remain executive head for thirty-three years .
10 Since this was a clear case of the Treasury completely underwriting the decisions of local authorities , the latter were exhorted ‘ to exercise their discretion with due regard to public economy ’ .
11 By 1918 North Shields was a clear locale of modern organized capitalism with very large industrial establishments in Smith 's Dock and the docks of the Tyne Improvement Commission , with a highly organized capitalist class , particularly in shipping and in urban development , and with a working class organized around production in trade unions and reproduction through ad hoc organizations , especially around housing .
12 On the one hand , it was argued that there was a clear choice of methods of generating power which would be both cheaper and safer .
13 But what was missing before 1147 was a clear sense of who the Franks were .
14 They submitted that the nationality requirement was a clear contravention of articles 7 , 40(3) , 52 , 53 , 58 and 221 of the E.E.C .
15 Locke , John ( 1632–1704 ) An English philosopher who in the context of his time ( and of his own life which involved a period of exile ) was a clear defender of toleration and free enquiry .
16 There was a clear appreciation of the right time to strike .
17 Normally London left Stormont to get on with these policies , only intervening in 1969 at the time of the civil rights movement when there was a clear danger of a collapse of law and order due to disputes between Catholics and Protestants over local government , over the allocation of houses and of jobs and over the conduct of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and of the armed ‘ B ’ special reserves .
18 This decision was a clear recognition of the vital role such shops have as social institutions : they help to maintain the fabric of neighbourhood life , they make an economic contribution to the lives of poor people and they provide crucial human contact as part of an informal system of community care .
19 There was a clear acceptance of the need to plan acute hospital provision in order to equalize the distribution of hospital beds throughout the country and replace much of the existing pre-First World War hospital stock .
20 Unemployment was a clear example of Derry 's less-favoured status within Northern Ireland .
21 This was a clear example of the phenomenon discussed by Pinker ( 1971 ) .
22 Here was a clear example of Western corporations using hard-sell marketing techniques on vulnerable mothers who could n't afford the product .
23 Yet for the National Government to fight the election as a government , rather than on party lines , was a clear breach of the undertakings which had been made at the time of its formation .
24 But as America and Germany were still at peace , and the leasing of the pilots was a clear breach of the US Neutrality Act which Hitler , had he come to know of it , might have used as an excuse for sinking American ships , the news had to be kept strictly secret .
25 This was a clear breach of the understanding on which he had come on a joint mission to the pope .
26 What for me was most crucial in this process was a clear analysis of the health and national economic and political situation ; a strategy for addressing it which identifies both the major challenges and the spaces in which you can currently work for change ; commitment to mobilize as many as possible behind this strategy ; and whilst focusing on the local situation , not to neglect the national and international situation .
27 His reply to Gide 's Retour de l'URSS , published in March 1937 , was a clear signal of the need to defend an increasingly beleaguered Soviet state from damaging hostile criticism , whatever its source .
28 On those rare occasions when it slipped out accidentally , her rage was a clear indication of how deeply his carelessness pained her .
29 Resentment of this magnitude was a clear indication of the failure of the avowed policy of pacification and Romanization .
30 But if he went stomping by without saying anything it was a clear indication of trouble ahead .
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