Example sentences of "was a [adj] deal [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has gone very sweetly ever since but that was a good deal of production time that was lost that cost me a lost more money than I had anticipated .
2 The picture which emerges is one where there was a good deal of casual crudity and the occasional fight between individuals or small groups but little orchestrated rowdyism or violence .
3 Nobody can seriously suggest that we turn back the clock entirely and return to the world of Constable 's Haywain , where there was a good deal of misery and hunger amidst all that beauty .
4 On some issues there was a good deal of discussion , but if by ‘ conviction government ’ it is meant that certain slogans were going to be elevated and written in tablets of stone and used as the put-down at the end of every argument , then , of course , that is indeed what happened .
5 There was a good deal of schoolboy teasing and even bullying which probably had its origins in sex .
6 There was a good deal of quarrelling — an average of about eight fights , or potential fights , per hour .
7 There was a good deal of fisticuffs .
8 While no experiment has ever identified an individual quark , there was a good deal of excitement in 1979 when physicists working at DESY , the German national accelerator laboratory near Hamburg , found evidence for quarks and gluons being produced together in high-energy collisions between electrons and positrons ( antielectrons ) .
9 There was a good deal of talk about that … no , I do n't think there really was much talk .
10 Underneath these myths of management , both as giving a sense of status and defining process , we noted that there was a good deal of depression and despair .
11 There was a good deal of discussion in December 1902 , as to who was responsible for the cost of road widening , the B.E.T .
12 In early manuscripts and books using the Latin alphabet J and U were written I and V as capitals and there was a good deal of indiscriminate use even in the lower case ( e.g. Maiestie above ) .
13 Still , there was a good deal of stealthy coming and going within the building — this being ignored apparently by the men on duty in the guardchamber .
14 ‘ I myself was much too young to question it at the time , but I found out later that there was a good deal of mystery surrounding his death . ’
15 At the same time there was a good deal of variation in the ways in which the Bible was understood and interpreted by different groups of reformers , and this led to a further fragmentation of the previously unified world of Christendom .
16 There was a good deal of ill-treatment , which ended with robbery ’ ( The Times , 28 November 1862 ) .
17 None of them pushed their opposition to the point of resignation , although there was a good deal of muttering and discussion .
18 There was a good deal of plotting in the Cabinet , and amongst the dissident ex-Coalitionists .
19 There was a good deal of continued muttering , but no real alternative Conservative leader available .
20 There was a good deal of air ahead of him — he could feel it moving and there was a considerable space above his head .
21 His own companions were still coming out of the entrance burrow one by one and there was a good deal of scrabbling and shuffling .
22 There was a good deal of shrubbery trailed up the sides and it would have been difficult to see us by a casual glance along the terrace .
23 Mortimer 's techniques were well in advance of those of Greenwell and there was a good deal of rivalry between them .
24 Suitably bowdlerized , said Viola to herself with a grim smile : if she knew Walter , there was a good deal of slap and tickle involved which did n't get into the account .
25 There was a good deal of curiosity behind Mike 's admiration , but he managed to curtail it until they were in the car .
26 There was a good deal of howling from her and a few overripe adjectives , but she was better padded than the seats of the Transit .
27 There was a good deal of ropey old furniture .
28 This arrangement was made more systematic in 1688 ; and after 1719 there was a good deal of discussion of the status and powers of secretaries of this kind .
29 With pre-tax profits of £1.3 million and a purchase price of around £8 million , FUS was a good deal for Norton .
30 Maybe it was a good deal for the Conservative party , but it was a very bad deal for this country .
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