Example sentences of "was more likely to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In the darkness I felt in the hands of God , someone who could do anything He liked with me , even though that someone was more likely to be Mr Slieman , the manager , who with his pencil moustache looked more like a used car salesman and was constantly trying to show Louise , the cashier and kiosk girl , his collection of prophylactics .
2 Reports reviewed recently by the General Accounting Office showed that capital punishment was more likely to be imposed if the murder victim was white rather than black .
3 Arguably the necessary detachment was more likely to be found in people who had not had the kind of upbringing so thoroughly enjoyed by Mary Queen of Scots .
4 In some cases , Church authorities have proceeded in this way because they felt that permission was more likely to be forthcoming .
5 While Frank was ‘ climbing , fighting , playing , & robbing orchards ’ , Coleridge was more likely to be found in the meadows by the River Otter — first of those rivers , brooks and springs that were to work so powerfully on his mind — or close by at the sandstone cavern known as Pixies ' Parlour , where with the ‘ hand of … childhood ’ he carved his initials in the rock .
6 Instruction was more likely to be given in units where there was also a high level of ‘ publicity ’ generating activity .
7 Bakeman and Brown found that mothers of preterm babies spent more time actively coaxing responses from their infants ; that joint communication was more likely to be initiated by full-term babies ; and that the flow of action between the four states was more varied and less predictable among full-term babies and their mothers .
8 General non-professional training was more likely to be specifically noted by Scottish libraries , and least likely to be noted by Inner London libraries .
9 Cost , or the need to plan within specific budgets , was more likely to be mentioned by the training officer group , perhaps because they were more likely to have specific budgets .
10 Training teams were not specifically mentioned by more than a small number of respondents although ‘ involvement in training ’ of all professional or supervisory staff , or all senior management , was more likely to be noted .
11 Nowadays it was almost fashionable , not least because an older man was more likely to be wealthy and successful .
12 Herbert Morrison was an advocate of tighter centralised control , and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fuel and Power , Sir Donald Fergusson ( who believed nationalisation would only work if the public corporations were genuinely independent ) felt that independence was more likely to be achieved with a larger corporation which was more able to resist direct government intervention .
13 What made it easy was that earlier charters had been produced by so many different monastic scriptoria in so many house styles that spotting the inauthentic was a task for the dedicated scholar — who in any case was more likely to be employed in propagating fraud than in hunting it out .
14 Her father 's trade was probably closed to her ; if her mother worked , it was more likely to be in an irregular way as a charwoman than in a regular , let alone a skilled Occupation .
15 In other measurements , too , it has been noted that the importance of units was more likely to be appreciated among higher attaining pupils .
16 With the advent of cheap microcomputers in the mid-eighties , the typical humanities scholar was more likely to be found doing research at home on a personal computer , attached no doubt to a network , but engaged much less interactively with colleagues in the computing centre .
17 It was more likely to be someone for whom they had no personal feeling .
18 Where the ‘ boss ’ tended to be autocratic or paternalistic/maternalistic , the ‘ managing director ’ was more likely to be bureaucratic , delegating specialist roles and responsibilities and instituting formal procedures for decision-making .
19 Similarly , aberrant sexual behaviour was more likely to be treated as organic malfunction in middle class women and insanity in working class women .
20 Since the front of the train was more likely to be affected by coal and smuts , that was the section reserved for Blacks .
21 The dressing staff was taken on " as required " and a good worker , lad or lass , was more likely to be given regular work .
22 He could smell fish cooking and wondered if it was Faustina 's coley , then realised that in view of the conversation about the finest minced veal it was more likely to be something for themselves .
23 Some women found at any rate a sanctuary behind the veil , but a convent was more likely to be a hell of rebellion and constraint to her .
24 Very frequently judges sought to bring the parties to an amicable settlement ( which was more likely to be observed ) rather than to pass an outright sentence .
25 In looking for a situation , Allen recalled reading that a script was more likely to be accepted if there were few characters and few scene changes , making it cheaper to produce .
26 Owen admired her independence , but felt that reconciliation was more likely to be achieved in her absence .
27 Such an approach makes most sense in a world in which individuals enjoy income from only one source , which in turn was more likely to be the case in earlier historical times .
28 Reed was built on an overgenerous scale , bull-necked and bulging in his grey pinstripe ; Wycliffe , slight of build , and rather pale , was more likely to be taken for an academic than a policeman ; hard to believe that he had served a tough apprenticeship on the beat in a Midland city .
29 Of the pretreatment variables , the PTHrP concentration and serum phosphate correlated best with response ( table II ) : higher PTHrP was more likely to be associated with a poor response , whereas all treatments associated with undetectable PTHrP led to a good response .
30 Poor response was more likely to be associated with a low TmP ; good response with the presence of bone metastases , but the reverse was not true for poor response .
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