Example sentences of "for [adv] [adv] half [art] " in BNC.

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1 City investors accepted shares on condition that all could be placed but by last night potential buyers had been found for only about half the stake .
2 The Bush administration is proud of the pioneering use of emissions-trading in the clean-air act , which it hopes will cut sulphur-dioxide output for just over half the cost of equivalent regulation .
3 In Wilson 's first defeat by a British competitor over this distance for 2½ years the two swam neck and neck for just over half the race before Akers suddenly pulled ahead as he searched for an Olympic qualifying time .
4 Gifts account for just over half the books received into the Library this year : 1455 out of a total of 2814 .
5 If it is taken to include distribution , financial and business services , government , and a whole range of what are defined as miscellaneous services — which incorporate such disparate occupations as garage mechanics and actors — the sector accounted for just under half the labour force and a similar share of output by the early 1970s .
6 So he had only had to cope with the loss for slightly over half an hour .
7 Now the time which erm i is scheduled for around about half a day each .
8 The three-year legal battle ended in 1983 when Charles and David bought out their brothers ' stake for well over half a billion pounds .
9 The ‘ Edison Voicewriter ’ machine remained in use for well over half a century ( 45 ) .
10 Then in 1987 the Royal Ordnance factories , responsible for well over half the total needs of their owner , the Ministry of Defence ( MOD ) , were privatised — and pitched , in the process , into a root-and-branch reorganisation .
11 Thus , in 1982 the top 100 quoted companies accounted for well over half the turnover , profit , and capital employed of the top 1000 companies , and within the top 100 , the top 10 accounted for over a quarter of turnover and capital .
12 You should be able to obtain a loan for well under half the cost you mention .
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