Example sentences of "was impossible [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Once he had settled into the right-back position he was impossible to move from the Palace first team ( unless illness or injury intervened , and the career chart shows that there was only one season when that happened to any serious degree ) , and he appeared there regularly until the 1st World War brought an end to competitive football and threw everyone 's affairs into confusion .
2 In fact , because only half an inch was involved it was impossible to see from the outside of my right shoe that it was different in any way from my left .
3 It was impossible to see in the dark whether the habitual spark of irony accompanied this remark .
4 It was impossible to detect in the dried slough a darker hair which might have come from Lorrimer 's head , or with the naked eye to distinguish his blood .
5 Yet , outside the areas of dispersed settlement — Galicia , the Basque Provinces , and parts of Catalonia — the large agrarian village or small town was a social heritage it was impossible to destroy in the interests of agricultural efficiency ; in arid country the peasant regards the land as the source of a poor livelihood , not as a mystique ; he prefers to live away from it ; the social satisfactions of the pueblo were subsumed in the concept of animacíon , the absence of rural boredom to be found only in an urban or semi-urban community .
6 It was impossible to continue with the meeting and difficult to tell where the next outburst might come from .
7 After the Berlin Wall crisis the Bonn government had had to accept that Adenauer 's hope of reuniting Germany on Western terms was impossible to fulfil in the foreseeable future .
8 It was impossible to follow on the track without being noticed .
9 He shook his arm vigorously for more than a minute , but it was impossible to tell in the uneven twilight whether it dropped out or not .
10 But it was impossible to distinguish between the truth of myth and the truth of reality .
11 When he invited Derek to confirm the existence of Tristram Abberley 's letters to his sister , it was impossible to guess at the purpose of his enquiry .
12 It was impossible to walk across the top and ignore the great panorama of London , even if its lights were obscured by the rain , even if the downpour was steadily soaking you .
13 You could open the doors but it was impossible to get into the car .
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