Example sentences of "wrote [prep] his diary " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could not help recalling , ’ Sir Maurice Hankey , the Cabinet Secretary , wrote in his diary in September , ‘ that on the last day of Parliament Mr. Baldwin had walked across the yard outside [ the House of Commons ] and had said ‘ I will do everything I can to help the Government in making economies , but I will not enter a Coalition Government . '
2 Amery wrote in his diary on 25 August : ‘ Milner once remarked to me in South Africa about the Cabinet of his day , how difficult it was to keep a lot of empty sacks standing up straight … .
3 There is some evidence that it was Snowden who suggested the formula of the ‘ doctor 's mandate ’ , at a Cabinet meeting on 5 October , under which the component parts of the National Government were each to issue their own manifestos , with a separate personal appeal from the Prime Minister , According to Neville Chamberlain , ‘ Snowden … produced the suggestion that the Prime Minister should issue his own manifesto asking for a free hand [ i.e. on tariffs ] and the two Party leaders should each issue their own programmes and to our astonishment this was at once accepted by the Liberals , ' Amery , who perhaps got the information from Chamberlain , wrote in his diary on 6 October , ‘ Apparently when the deadlock seemed most complete Snowden suggested that the PM should issue his own manifesto , each of the other party leaders issuing theirs . '
4 Richard Crossman , the Labour minister who introduced a failed attempt at morning sittings in 1967 , wrote in his diary about the reaction of fellow cabinet ministers ( ‘ It 's asking a terrible lot of us …
5 STUART SURRIDGE , who died aged 74 at his home in Wimbledon on Monday , wrote in his diary when appointed captain of Surrey in 1952 that the county would be champions for the next five years .
6 That evening he wrote in his diary .
7 That night Endill wrote in his diary .
8 That night Endill wrote in his diary .
9 Rommel , indeed , put the blame on the Italians for leaking secrets : ‘ We know from experience , ’ he wrote in his diary , ‘ that Italian headquarters can not keep things to themselves , and that everything they wireless to Rome gets to British ears . ’
10 On 2 February 1799 Parson Woodforde , by then in Norfolk , wrote in his diary : ‘ Such severe weather has not been known for the last sixty years till the present ’ .
11 Returning to Swanage on 7 July 1847 , John Mowlem wrote in his diary : ‘ Left London at half past twelve midday , and arrived at Wareham at 5 p.m. by Express train …
12 ‘ My early home was paradise , ’ he wrote in his diary .
13 Today , everything is wonderful , Bjaaland wrote in his diary .
14 They were good friends , Bjaaland wrote in his diary .
15 After all , as he wrote in his diary : ‘ Muhammed bin Tughluk was especially well known in his generosity to foreigners for he preferred them to the peoples of India .
16 Dalton wrote in his diary , ‘ I have got my way on all essentials ’ .
17 He wrote in his diary :
18 At Buckingham Palace on Sunday morning he declared that he had no other course , and afterwards wrote in his diary : ‘ I commit political suicide to save the crisis . ’
19 ‘ Consternation when I reported , ’ he wrote in his diary .
20 ‘ Mr Lloyd George came … and informed me that he is able to form an administration and told me the proposed names of his colleagues , ’ the King wrote in his diary .
21 The King wrote in his diary for 22 January 1924 :
22 The Marquess of Lincolnshire , a former Liberal Minister ( as Earl Carrington ) and confidant of Asquith , wrote in his diary on 8 December with emphasis , ‘ The general opinion is that Baldwin has made such a mess of it that he must go at once ’ , and on 18 December , ‘ There is a Chamberlain-Birkenhead intrigue going on backed by the ‘ Daily Mail ’ . ’
23 Dawson wrote in his diary for I June , ‘ the Prime Minister was undecided and Mrs Baldwin urging him to go ! ’
24 Ken wrote in his diary ( quoted by Lahr ) : ‘ My relationship with Wood is getting very strained .
25 The distrust had become mutual ; about the same time , Abel Ferry , one of the more impressive French Deputies of the epoch , wrote in his diary : Pétain is a bastard .
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