Example sentences of "all over the globe " in BNC.

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1 With work on her first feature film The Delinquents behind her and a new collection of singles successfully launched with ‘ Hand On Your Heart ’ topping charts all over the globe , Kylie herself was busy adding her own mystique to this great debate .
2 Countless thousands all over the globe listen to the hourly news broadcasts with interest , respect and admiration .
3 It was a time of great British expansion and it is thought that , in the guise of ships ' cats , they were scattered from the British Isles all over the globe in a comparatively short space of time .
4 Megadeth 's fifth and finest LP , ‘ Countdown To Extinction ’ slammed its way straight into the upper reaches of LP charts all over the globe ( it entered the US chart at a staggering No. 2 ! ) and its first single , Symphony Of Destruction , was such a hit in the UK that a Top Of The Pops appearance was simply unavoidable .
5 It used to be called ‘ the Corner of the World ’ as it was said that , seated at one of the tables on the pavement , a Madeiran would eventually see all the people he knew and meet people from all over the globe .
6 Geographically , operators can be found spread all over the globe , but the so-called Third World , especially the Caribbean and Alaska are the prime areas of the activity .
7 Located in one of the richest greenstone belts in the world , companies from all over the globe are continually looking for , and finding , previous metals in the area .
8 In the ever shrinking , fast-moving world of today , boats , trains , aeroplanes and cars carry travellers all over the globe , either as tourists or in the normal course of their business .
9 The parricide committed by human beings occurred over a period of perhaps thousands of years , and was repeated innumerable times all over the globe , for it was the primal horde that marked humanity off from nature , and began the social , historical and cultural evolution of man .
10 Huge chrome and glass complexes open seven days a week sell goods from all over the globe , often cheaper than in their country of origin .
11 They have been collecting goodies from all over the globe , with no trouble or expense spared , and have recently announced that they have just paid a world record price for a rather small amount of tea .
12 It proves that winds are distributed all over the globe , and that the whole planet enjoys a circulatory system like — ’
13 A huge cast of characters — each of whom are given intermeshing chapters to narrate the US perspective on the mess and sacrifice of World War Two — is flung out all over the globe .
14 The School is an international body whose past and present members include nationals from all over the globe .
15 The dependency perspective focused attention on this unequal relationship between , on the one hand , mighty TNCs and the powerful home countries that looked after their interests all over the globe and , on the other , the relatively weak and powerless Third World countries in which they were involved .
16 Adderbury in Oxfordshire may not be the home of international tennis , but it 's poached professionals from all over the globe for the Everest National Club league campaign .
17 This summer there are 17 teams of 6 from all over the globe .
18 Earlier , the court was told Bedworth managed to tap into computers at EC buildings in Luxembourg , at the Financial Times newspaper in London and universities all over the globe .
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