Example sentences of "render it [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One complication that we see raised with Samson Agonistes , is that a text 's success in fulfilling the conditions of its chosen genre , in this case classical tragedy , may help to render it unsuccessful in terms of the way it was originally envisaged as intervening aethestically in its contemporary history .
2 Moreover , failure on the part of an undertaking being investigated to produce relevant documents to the Commission can render it liable to fines on a daily basis .
3 The second buyers compounded the goods into food for birds and the third buyers bought the compound and fed it to poultry which died because , unknown to anyone at the time of supply , the compound included minute traces of poison rendering it unfit for poultry .
4 The task is not one of excusing behaviour or of attributing condemnation to it — only one of rendering it explicable in terms of a revealed social order .
5 A second entry and exit gate was available , but the soggy conditions would have rendered it useless within minutes .
6 Indeed , it could well have been the death of Archbishop Deusdedit in July 664 which rendered it essential for Oswiu , faced by the resurgence of Mercian power under Wulfhere , to establish his Catholic orthodoxy at Whitby if he was to play a part in finding a replacement for Deusdedit .
7 ‘ If A delivers goods to B on sale or return and B having received them immediately delivers them to C on sale or return , the reasonable time in the one case must , I think , be co-extensive with that in the other case and if that reasonable time elapses and C brings back the goods to B and B takes them back to A , everybody is acting within his rights , and it appears to me that property never passes … if under like circumstances A delivers goods to B and B delivers them to C in each case on sale or return and the reasonable time be , let us say , 14 days , and C after four days sells the goods or elects to buy the goods , I think property will have passed , because C will have done an act which renders it impossible for B to return the goods to A. ’
8 In addition to the fact that multiple complexes with defined stoichiometries can be mapped simultaneously , this in gel procedure circumvents the limitations imposed by the aforementioned factors , whereas its inherent advantages renders it ideal for methylation protection analysis of non-abundant and/or kinetically labile complexes .
9 The third stage ( 1946 ) was to increase the pension to what was intended to be subsistence level , but render it conditional on retirement and make contribution compulsory for virtually all .
10 Moreover , they choose to disregard the ordinary law governing the transfer of title , calling it the civil law , as if to contrast it with the criminal law and thus render it surplus to requirements .
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