Example sentences of "objection to [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Cassidy came up with a number of objections to the granting of a faculty .
2 It has been held , however , that a paid secretary of a temperance society , who prepared and managed objections to the granting of specific licences , was disqualified from acting as a member of a court .
3 In particular it is necessary to keep distinct the motives which have caused them to become embedded in English law ; otherwise objections to the curtailment of one immunity may draw a spurious reinforcement from association with other , and different , immunities commonly grouped under the title of a ‘ right to silence . ’
4 On the other hand , some feminists ' objections to the principle of Wages for Housework lead them to oppose any proposal that might , in their view , ‘ look like ’ or ‘ lead to ’ it .
5 A public inquiry will start hearing local objections to the building of the complex on May 21 .
6 ( 3 ) On an application for an order being made under subsection ( 1 ) above by any club , the sheriff clerk shall forthwith give notice thereof to the chief constable who may , within 21 days of the date of the receipt by him of such notice , lodge with the sheriff clerk objections to the making of such order on the ground that one or more of the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) above has not or have not been satisfied in relation to the club , and shall , on lodging any such objections , send a copy thereof to the secretary of the club ; and if any such objections are lodged and not withdrawn , the sheriff shall , as soon as may be , hear parties upon the application and objections and may order such enquiry as he thinks fit , and shall thereafter make or refuse to make the order applied for , and may award expenses against the unsuccessful party .
7 Objections to the manning of British ships by Chinese and Lascar crews was not a new issue between British seamen and their employers .
8 Yet if Mosley came to see Lloyd George as a fellow economic radical , objections to the management of Irish policy divided them in the early 1920s .
9 Practising Christians were the most visible group , singled out by many Nazi reports as voicing objections to the treatment of the Jews .
10 There were , however , very strong Gascon objections to the performance of feudal services by their duke to the French crown .
11 One of the Home Office 's strongest objections to the inclusion of manual records under the legislation was what it saw as the insuperable practical obstacles to controlling such a ubiquitous traditional activity .
12 Basquiat père was shocked at the depiction of his son 's drug addiction in press accounts of the artist 's death , and the elder Basquiat 's lawyer says the estate may sue to stop the film , invoking laws in at least thirteen American states that enable an estate to stop the showing of a film because of objections to the exploitation of a physical likeness on the screen .
13 During the Korean War , Attlee made Britain 's objections to the extension of the conflict to mainland China crystal clear to Truman .
14 It is not surprising , then , that this particular set of objections to the implementation of the Delors Plan has received little attention even in the countries likely to be most affected .
15 And the naval objections to the establishment of a unified command in the Far East were overcome by the clear example of the success of HQ British Forces , Middle East , during the Kuwait operation .
16 Firstly , there is the provision that ‘ DHAs will need to allow for referrals by GPs to hospitals with whom no contracts have been placed , keeping some funds in reserve for this purpose ’ ( DoH , 1989a , para.4.24 ) , which is designed to overcome objections to the loss of GP freedom resultant on the Type I system .
17 But DES Circular 11/87 exhorts schools to acknowledge that some parents have strong religious or cultural objections to the imparting of sex education by schools and to comply with a request to withdraw a child in such circumstances .
18 There may also be ethical and social objections to the absence of competition : it is simply not fair that large firms or cartels should be able to oppress smaller competitors and/or customers by charging prices that greatly exceed the costs of supply .
19 The case was tried on special demurrer , that is a demurrer based on specific objections to the form of the pleadings .
20 I will conclude this chapter by considering a few objections to the account of authority suggested above which challenge its general orientation .
21 The objections to the use of the term case management has resulted in the abandonment of a term with a long history of service use , evaluation and exploration , and the substitution of one with few if any empirical referents at all .
22 Now in we have also consulted with the Department of Transport about our proposal and the Department of transport have no objections to the use of the A sixty four north east of York to serve a new settlement .
23 For traditional objections to the use of expert determination to resolve what are known as " formulated disputes " , see 15.5. expert witnesses
24 Wallace 's theoretical objections to the importance of female choice as a source of sexual selection on males can also be discounted .
25 In the face of mounting political tensions , it was reported on April 9 that President Mobutu Sese Seko had withdrawn his objections to the holding of a national conference .
26 Hermit Crabs have no objection to a spot of algae .
27 Is there , then , any constitutional objection to a relaxation of the rule ?
28 Another objection to the notion of ‘ stages ’ is due to the same problem .
29 For Owen therefore there is no ‘ philosophical ’ objection to the goal of returning a pupil to school in the manner that the LEA is eager to encourage :
30 He made this clear in 1099 , when he explained to the pope his objection to the sending of papal legates to any part of the kingdom of England :
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