Example sentences of "behave [prep] [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They behaved towards each other like boys who had been educated at rival private schools .
2 They behaved towards each other like a couple of newly-frozen ice-cubes .
3 She endured his company , that was all ; he told himself that she behaved in all ways like a young lady : it would not have been proper for her to show more feeling .
4 Approved modules do not behave in this manner with respect to inheritance .
5 For in matrilineal societies where kinship is traced through women on the mother 's side of the family , the mother 's brother does not usually behave in this fashion towards his sororal nephew .
6 For a start you do n't expect me to behave like some sort of stud .
7 To behave with such lack of physical balance takes the toughness and control of an athlete or ballet dancer .
8 Such a girl is being asked to behave in many ways like an adult ( mother ) in that she is being asked to carry out the nurturing and supervisory procedures which properly belong to adulthood and , traditionally , to motherhood in particular .
9 There are examples in some countries of such candidates being elected and of pressure-group members of parliament being sufficiently numerous and permanent to share in office and to be regarded as a permanent parliamentary group — in other words , to behave in many ways like a party .
10 It is contemptible for a Government to behave in that way about an important and constituent part of the United Kingdom .
11 You should try to prevent this situation arising , possibly by exercising the dog on the leash for a day or so if it has shown a tendency to behave in this fashion in the past .
12 Bell , on the other hand , might start wanting to pretend to behave in some sort of pseudo British Council evenhanded way over published materials .
13 The attempt to do so leads to abstraction in which societies , or systems , seem to behave without any reference to actual people .
14 The Code enjoined members to trade fairly and responsibly , to behave at all times with integrity , comply with all relevant legislation benefiting consumers , act responsibly and prudently in their marketing and advertising , ensure that its debt collection procedures conformed to the highest ethical standards .
15 The reason for chlamydia 's comparatively late arrival on the microbiological scene is that , although behaving in many ways like a virus , it is in fact a highly specialized and adapted bacterium .
16 The term ‘ blindsight ’ was coined by Larry Weiskrantz at Oxford to describe perhaps the best known example of this dissociation , in which patients with damage to the visual areas of the cortex deny being able to see a visual stimulus while behaving in some respects as if they are processing it , for instance by moving their eyes in its direction .
17 The soil between bedrock and the surface behaves like those plates of jelly on the table .
18 Equally , Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle implies that particles behave in some respects like waves : they do not have a definite position but are " smeared out " with a certain probability distribution .
19 It is an excellent way of improving your windsurfing skills , as you learn how the board behaves in all sorts of weird conditions .
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