Example sentences of "thousands of [noun pl] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The co-ordinator of Greenpeace 's Great Lakes project also claimed that , in focusing on 17 named chemicals , the programme was ignoring thousands of others which pour into the Lakes .
2 LIKE thousands of others who have suffered from ‘ tranquilliser ’ drugs , Dorothy King wanted to sue the drug company .
3 Bulmers and the thousands of farmers who supply them with fruit are hoping that although the apples will continue to obey the law of gravity , profits and sales will keep going in the opposite direction .
4 I AM one of the thousands of parents who have worn out their shoe leather and their patience in a vain search for the Thunderbirds toys made by Matchbox .
5 Have you any idea how many thousands of pounds I have to pay in employer contributions each month for my employees — out of a small business with a small profit ?
6 The issue is clearly of grave concern to hundreds of thousands of families who risk losing their homes , and to local authorities that will have to shoulder the burden of the homelessness that might ensue .
7 I dread to think of the thousands of women who stretch their limbs to unhealthy lengths in a vain bid to attain taut buttocks and breasts .
8 Back on earth , how are the thousands of accountants who have been laid off faring ?
9 UBS P & D plans a series of roadshows in Europe to present the proposals to Heron 's many thousands of bondholders who have seen bonds slashed to a third of their face value .
10 Unfortunately the professors object to giving lessons in Arabic , so suddenly we 've got hundreds of thousands of students who need to learn Italian .
11 What I found repulsive has proved riveting for hundreds of thousands of Americans who see in this unbridled narcissism a refreshing naturalism .
12 The work of the observatory is not confined to migrant birds , and there are on-going studies on the many thousands of sea-birds which nest in the cliffs .
13 If it works , it 'll save millions of lives , and give peace of mind to thousands of Britons who visit Africa each year .
14 It was suggested to me that what happens in and around our church in May , the publicity it receives , and the many thousands of leaflets we distribute , all help to raise awareness of Christian Aid in Scotland .
15 As this develops it will be helpful ; but it is not a complete solution , for institutions will never be sufficiently well-equipped to intervene in the thousands of firms they own .
16 Good shape despite the tens of thousands of firms which have gone bankrupt this year ?
17 The law , similar to one already introduced in Estonia , has angered many thousands of Russians who have moved into the republic in recent years .
18 But it is so vindictively cold in this ill-lit room , and my alabaster hand aches so much from the thousands of words I have put down on this unhappy day , and my head still throbs , and my stomach is so empty , and my grief is so heavy , that I think it would be wise of me to break off at this point , this hinge , blow out the once again guttering candle and for the third time today go down the stone stairs to streets where it is always February .
19 THIS expanded network of popular committees and institutions making up the Unified leadership is infused by tens of thousands of activists who belong to , or identify with , the different factions of the PLO .
20 There are live presentations , to fire the enthusiasm of the thousands of schoolchildren who visit every morning throughout the year .
21 But he 'll go on applying the skills learnt on those days in the Nottingham library to a wider cricketing canvas , and using that cast accumulated knowledge to enlighten others — not least the thousands of schoolchildren who visit Trent Bridge in parties each year : ‘ Last season we had several hundred children through on the day when Derek Randall needed one run to complete his 20,000 for the county — and I made certain they all knew about the landmark .
22 Cmdr Mizell said there was ‘ no correlation between this and the boat people , ’ referring to the tens of thousands of Haitians who have fled their homeland by sea since the army ousted elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 1991 .
23 THOUSANDS of couples who hate each other are trapped together in a living hell because of the slump .
24 The floor , laid down between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , is now largely roped off from the thousands of tourists who visit the basilica each month .
25 Palm-fringed beaches bid a warm welcome to the thousands of tourists who visit the beautiful Enaye Islands in the South Pacific .
26 The number of frauds has led to calls for tightening up of audits of investment businesses , and particularly a reduction in the number of many thousands of auditors who examine investment firms so that the ones left can develop greater expertise .
27 ‘ We have spent considerable time , effort and money protecting and defending the Fender name and its trademarks , ’ adds the current Fender president Bill Schultz , ‘ not only for our benefit , but also for the benefit and protection of our dealers and thousands of consumers who purchase Fender products .
28 ‘ Radio Wimbledon will provide a bonus for all those involved in The Championships , ’ commented John Curry , Chairman of The All England Club , but in particular it will benefit the hundreds of thousands of spectators who come each year .
29 NEXT Thursday 's elections will mark a red letter day for tens of thousands of Chileans who have been exiled by Pinochet 's harsh rule .
30 You know this sort of thing and all British wildlife has got its own little characters , every species is different er and you know thousands of animals we 've taken in over the years we 've just learnt different things about different animals that suit different animals .
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