Example sentences of "unlikely [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However the proposed European directive has a number of further hurdles to be negotiated before it can be finalised and even when it is it 's unlikely to be implemented before nineteen ninety six .
2 In any event , the report 's recommendations are unlikely to be implemented in the near future , because the Federal Parliament is not constitutionally empowered to pass legislation in cultural matters ; the legislative competence in this matter rests at present exclusively at cantonal level .
3 Men are unlikely to be divested of power and advantage without a struggle .
4 Of course , he 's unlikely to be seen at night anyway .
5 Conceived by Cristiana Romalli of Sotheby 's , the show will include a predominance of drawings from private collections unlikely to be seen by the public under other circumstances .
6 Geoff has completed 50 years service with Rolls-Royce and associated companies , a record unlikely to be beaten in these modern enlightened times .
7 For instance , since the DNA-PK appears to be restricted to DNA-bound substrates , non-DNA-binding proteins that bear Ser-Gln motifs are unlikely to be recognised by the DNA-PK in vivo .
8 But Hong Kong analysts say he is unlikely to be tempted by Canary Wharf , preferring North American property .
9 Minimum skill requirements are being defined for training qualifications , with the assistance of Cedefop , but this work is unlikely to be completed until 1996 .
10 In other words , it is unlikely to be completed before the year 2000 .
11 Incidentally , proposals for the establishment of a major Kent ground at Crystal Palace which could give the county a profitable metropolitan base are being enthusisastically pursued , though they are unlikely to be realised before the end of the century .
12 The defect in the Act which the reintroduction of the intention to incite racial hatred was intended to remedy was that where the recipient of the material was for one reason or another unlikely to be moved to racial hatred , no offence was committed .
13 Agribusinessmen , for example , are unlikely to be moved by permissive policies : for them the creation of a desired landscape must either be profitable or unavoidable .
14 And besides , ’ she added on a note of practicality , sensing that he was unlikely to be moved by her ambitions , ‘ there are n't many jobs around in Cornwall for fashion designers . ’
15 Unfortunately this is a commitment which is unlikely to be supported by higher pay or additional allowances .
16 There are also plans for a " Euromark " although this is unlikely to be enacted in the immediate future .
17 For parasites whose offspring infect the offspring of their host ( vertical transmission ) , any behaviour by the parasite that decreases the fecundity of its host ( and thereby that of the parasite itself ) is unlikely to be favoured by natural selection .
18 Such an arrangement is unlikely to be favoured by the exchange except in special circumstances .
19 scope notes on the other hand , may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index .
20 Another possibility is that ischaemia progresses to ulceration so rapidly that it is unlikely to be observed in isolation .
21 Tony Bomford , a cameraman who was diving from my boat , reported that the water near the ‘ ball ’ was ‘ milky looking ’ but this is unlikely to be connected with breeding because sand-eels are known to spawn in the sand in winter time .
22 The main oil fields in production are the Bombay High off the west coast and some onshore fields in Gujerat and Assam but with consumption expected to rise at some 6% per year this aim is unlikely to be achieved without significant new discoveries .
23 As any professional practice or department becomes more successful , its expansion is unlikely to be achieved without growing pains .
24 He points out , for example , that personal change is a slow business and is unlikely to be achieved by attending an instant weekend run by est or some other faddish organisation .
25 The controversy will disappear once all the member states introduce equivalent conduct of business rules but that is unlikely to be achieved in the short or perhaps even in the medium term .
26 The aim is to reach 6,000 metres and heat water to 200 degrees centigrade but this is unlikely to be achieved before 1988–89 .
27 Locally-trained Mauir Joyful ( 8.48 ) was impressive over the shorter course a week ago and is unlikely to be troubled in getting the extra distance .
28 It also raised doubts concerning the ability of the East German government to ensure the passage of a state treaty on the terms for unification , since without the support of SPD votes the requisite two-thirds majority was unlikely to be obtained in the Volkskammer .
29 Comparing numbers is an efficient way of diagnosing basic understanding of these concepts , if the numbers to be compared are carefully selected , so that the correct answer is unlikely to be obtained by pupils who have misconceptions .
30 It was unlikely to be conceded by Bidault and the MRP ; Thorez and the Communists were not particularly interested ; and the only Socialist member of the French team at Fontainebleau resigned after two hours .
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