Example sentences of "cut in [noun] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 At the same time the government announced a package of new measures under which ( i ) the minimum wage was increased by 18 per cent from Nov. 18 ; ( ii ) a 40 per cent cut in income tax for those earning up to four times the minimum wage was to take effect in 1991 ; ( iii ) petrol prices were increased by 20 per cent and diesel oil , liquid gas and electricity prices by 30 per cent ; ( iv ) the peso 's rate of progressive devaluation against the US dollar was halved from 80 centavos to an " average " of 40 centavos a day , a depreciation rate of 5 per cent per year , as part of a anti-inflationary move aimed at fixing a future parity for the two currencies and stemming the flight of capital abroad .
2 If Norman Lamont keeps the job of Chancellor ( and he might do so only because of the shortlist of alternative candidates is embarrassingly short ) he may decide to delay the next cut in interest rates for long enough to convince the markets that he is serious about wanting to move sterling into narrow bands in the European exchange rate mechanism at its middle rate of Dm2.95 .
3 United States President Bush , meeting European Community ( EC ) officials in the Hague on Nov. 9 , was reported to have moderated US demands for cuts in EC subsidies for farm exports , giving a new impetus to negotiations .
4 The government decided on Aug. 28 to go ahead with further cuts in state subsidies for basic goods and fuel from Sept. 1 , as part of its International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) -backed economic reforms .
5 The company blames cuts in Government funding for its work into nuclear fusion for the job losses .
6 The draft budget incorporated cuts in government subsidies for western Germany approved the previous day and totalling DM33,000 million by 1994 ; cuts of DM10,000 would be made in 1992 ( US$1.00=DM1.7527 as at July 29 , 1991 ) .
7 Leeds Education Authority has abandoned plans for ‘ drastic ’ cuts in travel subsidies for some Catholic students .
8 The introduction of new austerity measures , including a 10 per cent reduction in senior civil service posts and sharp cuts in travel allowances for government officials , was announced by Prime Minister Rao on Dec. 24 .
9 Substantial cuts in producer prices for cocoa , the country 's main export crop , were announced on Sept. 28 , 1989 .
10 Cuts in corporation tax for small businesses ; VAT and BES changes ; £100m for football safety ; tax relief for TECs
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