Example sentences of "stare back [prep] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She seemed to be staring back at him with a smile that was almost a grimace of pain yet somehow full of mockery .
2 ‘ The Clay , ’ the boy answered him , staring back at him with a strange intensity .
3 For a moment , he thought that his wildest dreams were about to come true : she was staring back at him in a deep , soulful way that he was sure meant love .
4 He stared at the rows of glass jars below the books on the walls — and saw an eye staring back at him from one of them , and what could have been a human foetus in another .
5 His reflection stared back at him with eyes that were big and dark in a small-boned face .
6 I sat forward and stared back at him with all the strength of my pioneering ancestors .
7 They stared back at him with dull eyes .
8 Its mask-face stared back at him with empty eyes .
9 Harry stared back at him with wild , wary eyes , the lids drooping a little with weariness .
10 I just stared back at him as if I did not recognize him , then moved away out of sight behind another screen .
11 Lisa stared back at him in sudden speechless misery .
12 She stared back at him in wide-eyed horror , still weakened by the desire he had ignited , horribly afraid he might be speaking only the truth .
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