Example sentences of "associate in [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All these motions are associated in a way with the previous debates that we 've had .
2 He was plagued by ill health in his youth but recovered to enter the vellum bookbinding trade , with which he was associated in a variety of capacities for nearly forty years .
3 In the Kerman Basin of Iran they are associated in a series with kaluts , consisting of soft sediments dissected by the wind , streamfloods and other contributory agencies into parallel steep-sided ridges , and also with dune fields aligned in the direction of the wind .
4 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
5 In Central District of Manchester , MISG was earmarked to appoint a care programme co-ordinator and in Havering 20,100 of MISG financed a Community Care Organiser , associated in the plan with the Care Programme Team , ‘ to develop some services to support people in their own homes ’ .
6 It is a recent idea in the sense that systematic sociological analysis of the curriculum is largely a post-war phenomenon , associated in the UK with writers such as Young ( 1971 ) and in the USA with the work of Michael Apple ( 1979 , 1981 ) among others .
7 This type of work , associated in the UK with Lydall ( 1968 ) , offers three main types of explanation for the characteristic shape .
8 Finding work and migration It has become the common wisdom that using relatives to help you find work — associated in the past with the early phase of industrialization and more recently with informal methods of recruiting casual labour — is of little significance in the present .
9 Associated in the past with Welsh National Opera , the conductor Andrew Greenwood proved a card-carrying Donizettian and the director , Patrick Mason , although no newcomer to opera , is best known for his brilliant staging of Dancing at Lughnasa .
10 The same year Offa 's son , Ecgfrith , was consecrated king and associated in the kingship of the Mercians with his father .
11 The upper make-up levels associated in the Report with the Baths could have been brought in from other parts of the town , and contain material contemporary with the construction , with coins of Pius , but very few of the coarse wares show developments later than the forum deposits , and there are still residual pieces : for example , the reeded rim carinated bowl is still there , two early flagon types and the mortaria of G ATTIVS MARINVS which probably date to c .
12 Among the Arunta ‘ in the Intichiuma of water , the men of the totem utter the characteristic cry of the plover , a cry which is naturally associated in the mind with the rainy season . ’
13 ‘ For this reason , Childline is frequently associated in the mind of the public with abuse .
14 Merchandising , previously associated in the main with mass market paperbacks , non-specialist retail outlets — and Foyles , is being introduced into the heart of book retailing .
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