Example sentences of "extent to which a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The economic recession has caused European governments to take a fresh look at the extent to which a degree of interdependence in the past has been translated into a heavy dependence of the poorer areas on the richer north .
2 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
3 " In general , Lenneberg 's ( 1967 ) contention that the extent to which a speaker will have a foreign accent correlates fairly well with the age at which the second language is learned has received extensive confirmation .
4 Recognising that consent must be based on a true appreciation of contents , this proposal reveals a strange inability to grasp the extent to which a work of art can rarely if ever be described or paraphrased with perfect accuracy .
5 The 1959 obscenity test is one of effect , which directs the jury 's attention to the extent to which a work tends to encourage such feelings of aversion or revulsion rather than of corruption or depravity .
6 This raises another difficulty for the historian , because it is far harder to estimate the extent to which a village had shrunk or when this occurred than to note when it was finally deserted .
7 The extent to which a person is annoyed by the perception of an odour varies .
8 The extent to which a person feels threatened by other people having information about him or her varies from one person to another .
9 However , there is some limit to the extent to which a person may seek to contract out of his liability under English law .
10 The restrictions upon the extent to which a person may withdraw money from his or her business vary according to the form of business operated .
11 The extent to which a child is able to take advantage of the learning opportunities , which are made available within a particular setting on a day-to-day basis , will be a major factor in influencing how much progress occurs .
12 An important function of assessment is that it can help determine the extent to which a child 's language is subject to changes over time .
13 Some other form of comparison is therefore necessary to indicate the extent to which a child is experiencing difficulties .
14 Here , it is assumed that the severity of any language problem is indicated by the extent to which a child 's language differs from that found among other children of a similar age .
15 Fourth , providing the standard deviation of the test scale is known , it is relatively easy to estimate the extent to which a child 's score is extreme ( either high or low ) in relation to the scores obtained by the standardisation sample , and therefore the extent to which further testing and possible intervention is appropriate .
16 ‘ He is swinging in the tree ’ ) , and it is suggested that the extent to which a child shows sensitivity to one or other of these kinds of distraction may be useful in terms of assessment and the planning of intervention .
17 The comprehension scales begin with items concerned with the extent to which a child associates a word or phrase with affective or situational meaning , and proceed to a point where ‘ ideational content goes well beyond the concrete evidence ’ — for example , ‘ The little boy has spilt his dinner ; what must he do ? ’
18 The above example also prompts discussion of the extent to which a school might be required to go towards accommodating the diverse needs of various ethnic minority groups represented amongst the pupil body .
19 The criteria for judging the success of an innovation became the extent to which a curriculum package ( materials , and/or strategy ) was ‘ adopted ’ by the user group .
20 Second , it is important to take account of the extent to which a lack of clarity about policy stems from a lack of potential consensus .
21 The size of the quota determines the extent to which a country can draw currencies from the pool held by the IMF as well as each country 's contribution to the pool .
22 They argued , first , that pre-exposure to a context will reduce the extent to which a subject is likely to learn about it ( see Balaz , Capra , Kasprow , and Miller 1982 ) ; second , that presenting reinforcers ( shocks in this experiment ) in a context in which they had not previously occurred is functionally equivalent to transferring the animal to a physically different context .
23 In addition , the local authority has the power to determine the extent to which a parent may exercise his or her parental responsibility but may only exercise this power where necessary to safeguard or promote the child 's welfare ( s33(3) ( b ) ( 4 ) ) .
24 Probability graph paper exists to show the extent to which a distribution deviates from the Gaussian shape .
25 We can enquire into the extent to which a form of thought is rational ( How open is it ?
26 The Act also sought to restrict the extent to which a woman 's prior sexual history could be used as admissible evidence in court , thus indirectly affecting the material available to the press to publish .
27 Where a partner is permitted to work less than full time , this should be set out clearly ; ( b ) the extent to which a partner must not just be available to do work for the firm but is put under some positive obligation to promote the interests of the practice .
28 This overlap has raised some difficulty about the extent to which a client should be expected to contribute to the cost of the services received .
29 This raises very complicated questions , as yet not fully resolved by the courts , as to the extent to which a director who holds shares may take off his director 's hat and attempt to ratify as a shareholder his own alleged misconduct .
30 Even more difficult is evaluating ideological and attitudinal change — for example , the extent to which a war experience forces different groups in the population to alter their perceptions of social problems .
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