Example sentences of "talk with [noun prp] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The then Prime Minister Popov expressed concern in his talks with van Eekelen about a military build-up in Turkey .
2 In addition Richard Armitage , acting as a special US ambassador to the Middle East , held previously unannounced talks with King Hussein on Jan. 22 , following a statement by US President Bush that he was not planning to " write off " Jordan because of differences of opinion on the Gulf conflict .
3 May 14 Baker holds talks with King Hussein in Jordan and then travels overland to East Jerusalem where he meets with a three-member Palestinian delegation headed by Husseini .
4 He also held brief stop-over talks with King Hassan of Morocco and Senegalese President Abdou Diouf .
5 The German funding package of $2,100 million , announced in mid-September [ ibid. ] following Baker 's talks with Chancellor Kohl at the latter 's Oggersheim home on Sept. 15-16 , would include over $1,000 million towards forces ' costs , while South Korea 's Foreign Ministry announced on Sept. 24 a contribution of $220 million over two years , including $120 million for the forces and $100 million for Turkey , Jordan and Egypt .
6 President Assad of Syria arrived in Cairo on March 31 for talks with President Mubarak of Egypt and senior Egyptian officials .
7 Arriving in Dakar on Nov. 3 , 1989 , for a four-day visit , Eyadema held talks with President Diouf of Senegal on Third-World debt and North-South co-operation .
8 Mr Major , who had more than four hours of talks with President Clinton at the White House on Wednesday , expressed his delight at the way in which the discussions had gone .
9 Relations were formally normalized on Aug. 8 following talks with President Suharto on Aug. 7 during which Li Peng proposed to " let bygones be bygones " .
10 Mugabe held talks with President Suharto of Indonesia in June 1990 .
11 Havel visited Moscow on Feb. 26-27 , holding talks with President Gorbachev on bilateral relations and developments in Europe , including the unification of the two German states ( on which the two leaders were reported to hold a very close position ) .
12 Economic affairs were high on the agenda during talks with President Gorbachev on May 14 ; at the start of 1989 Mongolia owed the Soviet Union in excess of US$15,500 million .
13 In September Lenkhanya held talks with President Chissano of Mozambique on changes taking place in South Africa .
14 Sir David will be briefed about Mrs Thatcher 's talks with President Bush concerning the mandatory repatriation of up to 44,000 Vietnamese boat people from Hong Kong .
15 Mr Savimbi is to hold talks with President Mobutu of Zaire in France next week , and it is hoped that the meeting may result in a new ceasefire .
16 At a press conference on May 1 after talks with President Özal of Turkey , Rafsanjani said that " Iran and Turkey shared the view that there should not be a Kurdish state in northern Iraq " .
17 Vieira paid an official visit to France on May 20-22 , 1990 , during which he held talks with President Mitterrand on Guinea-Bissau 's border dispute with Senegal .
18 Hrawi visited France on Oct. 21-22 and held talks with President Mitterrand on French military and financial aid for the reconstruction of the Lebanon .
19 Meetings were also held during the first half of 1989 between senior PLO officials and officials from France , Spain and the United Kingdom , culminating in Arafat 's talks with President Mitterrand of France in May 1989 , after which the PLO leader said that the PLO 's National Charter was " obsolete " and " null and void " [ see p. 36669 ] .
20 In February Özal held talks with President Mitterrand in Paris with a view to encouraging French investment in Turkey .
21 Talks with Saudi Arabia on the border dispute , initiated in Geneva in July [ see pp. 38886 ; 39030 ] , resumed in Riyadh on Sept. 29 , but were suspended a week later , apparently until after the Yemeni elections .
22 THE ZULU leader , Mangosuthu Buthelezi , held talks with Margaret Thatcher in Downing Street yesterday as the Prime Minister prepared to withstand attacks over her southern Africa policy at the Commonwealth Heads of Government conference in Kuala Lumpur later this month .
23 Swinton left for Chicago , where he held talks with Adolf Berle on the first day of the conference .
24 He has had talks with Counc Woodhead over the weekend .
25 He said : ‘ I have been involved in detailed talks with Michael Knighton for several days .
26 On Sept. 10 the ANC president Nelson Mandela accepted an invitation for urgent talks with de Klerk on political violence .
27 But the path of political progress has become deadlocked following the breaking off of reform talks with de Klerk in June after the attack on the Boipatong township in which dozens of ANC supporters were hacked to death .
28 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
29 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
30 But a potential white knight emerged last night in the shape of President Bill Clinton who , it emerged , would hold talks with Mr Patten in May .
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