Example sentences of "less [noun sg] there be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Generally , the more snow , the less danger there is to skiers .
2 The greater the contribution of context in the sense of shared knowledge and experience the less need there is for grammar to augment the association of words .
3 The more categories that are used , of course , the less room there is for category error .
4 The more correct the early stages of training , the less chance there is of things going wrong .
5 Because the fiddlier a test is , the less chance there is of a reliable answer .
6 The sad fact is that many of these ‘ irruptive ’ birds spend their last days in the islands , because if they do not move on immediately while they still have the strength , the more time they spend searching for what is n't there , the less chance there is of their being able to make another long sea crossing .
7 Well , keep it down as low as you can because the lower you keep it , the less chance there is of getting this biopsy done .
8 The same is true of the health service , the more the private health educa the pri private health welfare comes in , the less chance there is of people who are , who are articulate and people who count in British society start speaking up with the rest of us and saying come on we we 've got a common interest and a common stake in this service and we want the best po for for everybody and the same will start happening in housing if you get your way .
9 Yet the more heavily regulated the market is , and the greater the restrictions on the property rights given to suppliers , the less scope there is for the benefits of competition to emerge at all .
10 Unless one of the steps in the review machinery is the service of a counternotice by the person upon whom the review notice is served , it is better not to stipulate for a particular form of notice because the fewer the requirements that have to be complied with the less scope there is for litigation .
11 The more highly organised and consciously efficient foreign offices became , the less scope there was for the individual who did not fit easily into these bigger and more complex machines .
12 The less space there is between the motifs , the busier the pattern will look .
13 The more time and energy you give to developing residencies in hospitals and working with other people the less time there is for your own work .
14 Obviously , the slower the tow is into wind , the less airflow there is over the wings , and thus the safer it is .
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