Example sentences of "enable [art] [noun pl] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 These could be hung from a decorative pole , perhaps set well above and extending beyond the sides of the door , to enable the curtains to be drawn well back .
2 All that is required is that sufficient of the works shall have been completed to enable the premises to be used for the purpose intended , and if the tenant has any particular concerns as to the completion of the works then it should ensure that express provision is made for those concerns in the agreement ( see clause 2.8 ) .
3 In the former case the plan is unlikely to provide sufficient information to enable the boundaries to be accurately ascertained , while in the latter case the plan will reflect features on the ground rather than boundaries between different owners .
4 Trace the axes , but only mark sufficient points on the scale to enable the magnitudes to be assessed .
5 A major factor in securing this pledge was the supply of advanced anti-missile technology in the form of the Patriot missile battery , with US support crews ( an unprecedented deployment of US army personnel on Israeli soil ) to enable the Patriots to be brought immediately into service ( whereas Israel 's own two Patriot batteries purchased from the USA the previous year were not yet operational as crews were still being trained ) .
6 Harness lines should have enough depth to enable the arms to be extended when hooked in .
7 In addition to the provisions made for automatic operation , the ventilating system should be provided with the means for regular testing and should incorporate over-ride facilities to enable the ventilators to be manually operated under fire fighting conditions .
8 The Bombays would fly in , carrying only enough petrol to enable the vehicles to be driven back to Kabrit , while the bulk of the men would return in the aircraft .
9 To enable the vehicles to be shown together for the first time , and to celebrate the work of the ‘ Store ’ carriage works , an exhibition entitled ‘ Cobbles and Carriages ’ will be held in the Main Hall at Chambers Street from 5 June — 1 August .
10 We we we 're empowered er by these orders to set up the new constituencies , er they do not actually come into effect to enable the elections to be held upon them er until all the countries of the E E C have agreed the changes that are necessary to accommodate the new numbers that er they will be having , er so the act , the ninety three act , has a commencement hour within it .
11 This should be sufficient to enable the repairs to be authorised .
12 Radio waves are used rather than em waves of other wavelengths because over suitable wavelength ranges they readily penetrate planetary atmospheres and because natural emissions at such wavelengths tend to be weak thus enabling the echoes to be readily picked out from the natural background .
13 The servers tie modems , printers , terminals and other devices to local area networks , enabling the devices to be located any where they are needed .
14 Router movement can be solved by changing the holding bolts for longer ones with a fine thread and fitting very thick washers , so enabling the nuts to be fully tightened without the router getting in the way of the spanner .
15 This gives more control over the process , with the advantage of keeping the sections cool , further reducing damage and enabling the preparations to be used for fluid inclusion work .
16 Why , even plastic components are coded , enabling the polymers to be broken down , so they can be used again .
17 An early warning system , based on weather forecasts , will enable the stations to be closed before smogs develop , although the reliability of the system is uncertain .
18 Initially , this modification involved simultaneous comparison of the weights of identical columns of water with and without sediment ( Woods Hole Rapid Sediment Analyser : Zeigler , Whitney & hayes , 1960 ) , but improvements in transducer technology have since enabled the devices to be used in single tubes .
19 The most ministers can do is to argue the case for change and enable the changes to be made .
20 Alternatively they may effect a leveraged buy-out of a number of businesses with a view to later reconstruction to realise " hidden " reserves which will effectively finance the acquisition of the core business they wish to retain , and enable the borrowings to be redeemed .
21 This advisory section of the descriptor suggests learning strategies which enable the Outcomes to be achieved in the most student centred , participative and practical way possible .
22 His therapeutic techniques enabled the blockages to be dissolved and the body 's energy to flow freely .
23 As it turned out , the prolongation of the war enabled the plans to be quite far advanced before the final collapse of German resistance in May 1945 .
24 For all insert editing operations , the feature known as ‘ flying erase ’ is important , as it enables the edits to be made cleanly without picture disturbance at the insert out-point .
25 This mucus capsule swells rapidly on contact with water , protecting the egg from abrasion and fungal infection , while the outermost layer enables the eggs to be fastened on to a plant .
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