Example sentences of "push [pron] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 It is then the truck drivers push them out of the moving cab .
2 Pushing them out of the way , she hastened to the bed .
3 And grabbing three of the smallest around their necks , he started pushing them out of the back door , into the fresh air , and towards the outer door of the boarding section .
4 ‘ Never mind what kind , ’ said Gurder , pushing him out of the way .
5 Duvall was suddenly standing on the step above him , pushing him out of the way and stepping down past him .
6 A whole exciting new scene was being born all about her and pushing her out of the way .
7 Ace tried to thrust a ghostly neural net crystal underneath the Doctor 's nose and only succeeded in pushing it out of the image field .
8 For example among all the delays which push work into the winter period there must be some which push it out of the other end of winter into summer .
9 I do n't want to push her out of the house but I just know I 've reached the stage of not being able to cope any more . ’
10 I pushed them out of the way and took the cat off the tree .
11 ‘ Komm , ’ said the man roughly and pushed me out of the door .
12 When she 'd finished it was 17.31 and she almost pushed me out of the door .
13 He pushed me out of the room .
14 As soon as she saw this , she gave a delighted laugh , and pushed me out of the gate .
15 ‘ Well , this big chap sort of pushed me out of the way a bit .
16 The single door beside her slid open , and she pushed herself out of the carriage .
17 Once he nearly caught it but someone pushed him out of the way at the last moment .
18 The fat cook pushed him out of the way , coming to turn a pan of potatoes roasting under spitted beef .
19 Michael pushed him out of the way .
20 He pushed him out of the way .
21 ‘ So you pushed her out of the car and gave the whole game away ? ’
22 Nearly pushed her out of the door .
23 The fellow grasped the unresisting Rachel and pushed her out of the hall .
24 However , there is evidence to suggest that some women distrusted other methods of birth control , and particularly that of male withdrawal ; not all women could reckon on either being able to ‘ push him out of the way when I think it 's near ’ , or on their husbands ' constant exercise of self-control .
25 I suddenly screeched at her , ‘ I do n't want to know ! ’ and threw down the phone and pushed myself out of the door .
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