Example sentences of "push [pron] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This compromise incorporates two tiers of tariffs which are likely to reduce marginally the price of British bananas but push them up for the Germans .
2 It is then the truck drivers push them out of the moving cab .
3 Pushing them out of the way , she hastened to the bed .
4 And grabbing three of the smallest around their necks , he started pushing them out of the back door , into the fresh air , and towards the outer door of the boarding section .
5 Manolo squirmed , pushing himself back against the seat .
6 At the riverside we can see Mr Gould on his stomach out on the ice , pushing himself back from the hole in the river ; people are shouting and running around ; we head down the river towards the narrows and the gorge and my father slips and almost drops me and his breath smells of whisky and food .
7 Tallis could not see clearly but he seemed to be pushing something on to the staff , working it round until , with a crack , it slid into position .
8 While the others stood and gawped , she had already pushed herself over to the storage lockers and was busy tossing the flimsy emergency spacesuits over .
9 ‘ Never mind what kind , ’ said Gurder , pushing him out of the way .
10 Duvall was suddenly standing on the step above him , pushing him out of the way and stepping down past him .
11 He squeezed with all his strength , pushing her down onto the floor , while a raucous parody of the nocturne played fortissimo in his head .
12 A whole exciting new scene was being born all about her and pushing her out of the way .
13 Someone had thus moved the body , and it had to be assumed that it was the same person who had pushed her on to the plough .
14 As he tried , several times , to restart his car before giving up and pushing it on to the verge to await rescue , traffic on the M8 from Glasgow quickly built up until there was a three-mile tailback .
15 It 's a throw-in to David of Blackburn , down the right hand side , that one 's headed on by Stewart , the clearance from , is picked up by David who nipped in there ahead of and now here 's once more down the inside left channel , pushing it up towards the edge of the penalty area where holds it up well , they 're working well at the moment down that left hand side as gets it across , a snatched header comes in and it 's pushed behind by Chris for a corner kick , and we 're at the midway point of the second half , with Shrewsbury leading three two , Alan will describe it for you .
16 Ace tried to thrust a ghostly neural net crystal underneath the Doctor 's nose and only succeeded in pushing it out of the image field .
17 The soundproofing between its three sections is excellent and helped enormously by the fact that the PA system drops sound down from the ceiling rather than pushing it out from the front .
18 They tried pushing it back into the hole but the force of the water was too great .
19 Pushing myself up off the wet ground , I brushed the twigs and earth off my trousers while I checked my pockets .
20 This ensures that , if you suddenly pull the throttle stick hard back and drop the model onto the ground very hard , the blades will still be lifting and not pushing themselves down towards the tailboom .
21 For example among all the delays which push work into the winter period there must be some which push it out of the other end of winter into summer .
22 Keep listening until you are sure that you will recognise the sounds the next time you hear them , then withdraw the spade and push it back into the ground some feet away .
23 I push myself off from the wall and walk across .
24 Go on , push yourself up on the handles and let the trolley take you for a ride , just like a child !
25 In other words , there are marvellous projects going on which really stimulate the interest of everybody , and it 's , the Engineering Council 's still trying to push them along into the twenty first century itself .
26 Then , as the heel touches the ground , lock your ankle and shift your weight forward with the knee bent , rocking forward onto the toes and using them to push you off to the next step .
27 Mid-way through the scene , his anger at the taking of his wallet by one of the policemen is apparent in the disjointed nature of his outburst , but his turn peters out timidly as " MAN 3 gently pushes him back into the chair " ( p. 67 ) .
28 Sitting around in the sun all day , scoffing tons of ice cream is his idea of heaven , though he did get a bit miffed when Greenpeace tried to push him back into the sea .
29 I do n't want to push her out of the house but I just know I 've reached the stage of not being able to cope any more . ’
30 I caught a glimpse of her , eyes red with fury , and I wondered if my last hour had come , but Bill , the man who was on guard , managed to push her back with the aid of a large plank , and she soon quietened down when we passed her babies back . ’
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