Example sentences of "ability [to-vb] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sickness absence is important as a measure of ill health ; as a measure of use of health services ; as a cause of lost productivity ; and as an indicator of an employee 's ability to cope with and maintain normal roles at work .
2 Instead , it was just one of 11 qualifications they sought , with the ability to listen to and act on what customers were saying one of the ones highlighted .
3 17.61 Those aspects of the targets which relate to the writing process , as distinct from the product , should be covered by mainly internal assessment — for example , probing pupils ' ability to reflect upon and discuss the organisation of their own writing .
4 New tenants , particularly from non-conforming households such as single parents , tend to be given the poorer standard housing and are expected to prove their ability to look after and improve their home before being transferred to a better property .
5 If we need any further confirmation of Chaucer 's ability to play with and confuse levels of narrative in this sort of way , we can cite line 1685 of the Merchant 's Tale , where Justinus reminds January of the teaching of the Wife of Bath 's Prologue .
6 to man , manage and maintain an effective UK ability to contribute to and influence international and European standards making
7 Finally , in order to determine which region(s) of the nucleocapsid protein are important for the interactions with DNA , NCp7 mutants lacking either one or both zinc fingers and/or one or two of the three regions of basic residues ( 6 ) were tested for their ability to bind to and protect DNAs from endonuclease digestion and dephosphorylation and their ability to stimulate cDNA synthesis .
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