Example sentences of "aware of [art] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He made his eighteenth-century reader aware of the travel difficulties , and how they were surmounted — on steep hills by precipices the Highlander and his horse go carefully , the rider sometimes walking , always with a guide : ‘ The horseman has always at his side a native of the place , who , by pursuing game , or tending cattle , or often being employed in messages or conduct , has learned where the ridge of the hill has breadth sufficient to allow a horse and his rider a passage , and where the moss or bog is hard enough to bear them . ’
2 Peter Davis , North Yorkshire County Council , erm I think the clear answer to that is that districts , erm and county , erm were very aware of the greenbelt constraints on greenbelt sites
3 Of course , like everyone else I 'm aware of the slimming adverts on television or in magazines , and the vast amount of advice ( a lot of it conflicting ) about how we should eat .
4 Had the decision-makers been aware of the choices others were making during the same period , they would have perceived opportunities for more attractive courses of market action than those actually adopted .
5 The truly effective manager is aware of the performance levels that can be expected from each individual and he has helped them to define their own targets .
6 On the other hand , the nature of the ‘ common bond ’ on which they are based is such that members and potential members of a credit union can become aware of the cost advantages in the normal course of their day-to-day contact with friends , neighbours or workmates .
7 As part of your readjustment you will find yourself becoming much more cost conscious , and aware of the cost implications of continuing with practices which may be wasteful , or unwieldy , given cheaper alternatives .
8 Is the allocation officer aware of the service needs of each patient area which is to be taken into account when devising the plan of allocation ?
9 All employees are made aware of the development opportunities open to them .
10 One does not have to be a missionary in a remote situation to become aware of the communication barriers .
11 Owners are aware of the capital losses they must incur if they redeploy their assets , and people with whom they are transacting know that nowhere else can they find assets as suitable to their needs as those already committed .
12 It 's really come to the fore and has been seen as a political force for a much shorter time than , say , a hundred years , and I am wonder if , in that short time , because that 's how we can judge things , I mean presumably you were aware of the way women were treated before the Women 's Movement started raising it 's profile , and you 're aware of the way things are now , do you see much change ?
13 It 's really come to the fore and has been seen as a political force for a much shorter time than , say , a hundred years , and I am wonder if , in that short time , because that 's how we can judge things , I mean presumably you were aware of the way women were treated before the Women 's Movement started raising it 's profile , and you 're aware of the way things are now , do you see much change ?
14 For example , as will be seen below , customers must be made aware of the margin requirements in respect of a margined transaction and the consequence of margin calls not being met .
15 The survey respondents felt that there were often delays in producing official statistics and that employees were not always made aware of the reporting procedures or the risks involved in certain work activities .
16 He says one lesson the bank has learned is the need to have better trained staff , ‘ more aware of the business problems of the person on the other side of the desk ’ .
17 In consequence we have developed restrictive practices and engineering , at best , are only partially aware of the business objectives .
18 I hope that as a result of visiting the vehicle , you will be more aware of the career possibilities in Science and Technology and of the interesting and fulfilling work opportunities they offer .
19 I hope that as a result of visiting WISE VI you , your colleagues and pupils will be more aware of the career possibilities in Science and Technology and of the interesting and fulfilling work opportunities they offer , both through study in further and higher education and subsequently employment .
20 Like the French and Burgundians , d'Ayala was aware of the fighting qualities of the Scots ; it was indeed , he claimed , because they preferred fighting to work that the country was poor , rather than because of a lack of natural resources .
21 The company was quite aware of the housing problems , and rented accommodation wherever it was available .
22 It is only necessary to compare the living conditions of laborers in nonindustrial areas with those of industrial workers , miserable as these may be in some cases , to be aware of the material benefits of the conversion to machine technology .
23 In deciding which combinations to take after the first year of study , applicants should be aware of the entry requirements for both subjects .
24 Rupert suddenly became aware of the danger signals and quickly tried again .
25 Mr Collin has been urged by councillors to write to Darlington MP Michael Fallon and make him aware of the collection problems faced by the council .
26 ‘ Charities ’ trustees are more aware of the investment issues because of the recession , ’ Mr Marlow says .
27 I was fortunate to have had these advantages ; it is quite impossible to operate at any level in industry without being aware of the world forces which are pressing upon us .
28 They 're surprisingly aware of the pressures children visiting must be under
29 Obviously , I am aware of the health risks but believe the choice to smoke is mine , and mine alone .
30 Graduates were better aware of the health hazards associated with the pill — even though the alternatives they had taken up were less reliable .
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