Example sentences of "aware [that] she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Lunch was served in a banqueting hall of extravagant dimensions and grandeur , and Folly ate ravenously , suddenly aware that she had eaten nothing since her lunch the day before .
2 Loretta was aware that she had consumed rather more Rioja than she had intended , certainly enough to make her glad that Bridget was driving .
3 She had not done this deliberately ; she was not even aware that she had done it .
4 The director of The Long Roads , Tristram Powell , agrees that less equalled more in that performance : ‘ I was aware that she had played all these glamorous parts , and I had to get her to trust me and do much less than she was used to .
5 ‘ All right , ’ I had said listlessly , disconcerting my mother considerably , since I was perfectly aware that she had expected me to turn down this preposterous proposal with as much intractability as I had turned down the others .
6 Neither Matthew nor the girl was aware that she had come into the room , and as Beth 's eyes went from the unique expression of wonder on the boy 's handsome face , to the girl 's slender form … the small budding breasts , and the young limbs that were already shaping into those of a young woman … a strange sense of revulsion shivered through her .
7 She was acutely aware that she had burnt her boats .
8 Rachel bought absurd things , then went back to the villa , and unpacked all her useless purchases , aware that she had bought a ridiculous diamanté choker to cheer herself up , and now felt a fool .
9 If he had been aware that she 'd gone , he would probably have assumed that someone else had taken her home .
10 She was instantly aware that she 'd over-reacted as she saw the expression on his face .
11 My apologies , ’ she grinned , aware that she 'd wounded his massive ego .
12 and she 'll go and get the milk out and say I 've just got myself a glass of milk mum , oh right , okay not even aware that she 's gone out to the fridge you know , fair enough we say ah , you do n't do you ?
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