Example sentences of "direction in [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The directions in which the company and the business should head seem to me to be best developed by iterative processes , both within the board , including the non-executive directors , and between the board and those responsible for running the businesses at a wide range of levels .
2 If you present someone with a set of stripes on a TV screen and make them move at right angles to their long axis , that is the direction in which the person will see them move .
3 Generalizing a little , we might plot the stress trajectories , that is the direction in which the stress is handed on from one atomic bond to the next , very much as in Figure 2 of this chapter .
4 The direction in which the discussion of literature in the Introduction to the Man of Law 's Tale points , however , is towards a comparison of Chaucer 's writing with that of his contemporary John Gower rather than towards the survey of literary genres detached from the accidental circumstances of the identity of authors of specific examples of those genres that we find in fragment VII .
5 In some cases the former dictates the direction in which the grain must run in individual pieces of the pattern ( as well as often influencing the actual shapes of parts ) .
6 The analysts can not comprehend current or future information requirements unless the direction in which the organisation is going is identified .
7 Right , okay , so the situation we 're in today is that we 're actually got to defend our Party , the Party is the whole labour movement , from that political direction in which the leadership or ex-leadership and some people in the Parliamentary Party seem to want to take us .
8 I start with the view that the final responsibility for the future of the company depends upon the board as a whole , and therefore the direction in which the company is to be led is the unique responsibility of that board .
9 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
10 i ) It is directional , ie it tears easily in one direction , the direction in which the mould , the mesh upon which a sheet is formed , runs .
11 The miners would then search the hush for the vein and would cut trenches in the hillside , herring-boning outwards from the hush to discover the direction in which the vein led into the hillside .
12 But some will wonder about the direction in which the voice is calling them .
13 The top layer of fabric tends to slip over the bottom layer while under the pressure foot , so carefully machine the seam over the needles and tacking , following the direction of the nap ( i.e. , the direction in which the pile is lying ) .
14 Schools can only succeed when there is dialogue within the staffroom — a dialogue which leads to a broad agreement on the direction in which the school should move , both in the present and in the future .
15 In The Independent , Tom Sutcliffe regretted that such a fine writer as Crace should have written a novel ‘ so nullified by craft , so thwarted by a style which steadily blows against the direction in which the story wishes to travel ’ .
16 Otherwise , it should be set slightly off-centre so that there is a little more space to the edge of the frame in the direction in which the subject is looking ; this is called looking room .
17 a note of how the results obtained determined the direction in which the investigation proceeded .
18 The result of this is that the rotor disc shows a greater angle of incidence relative to the direction in which the model was originally travelling and , therefore , more lift ( Fig.5.5 ) .
19 Both men wanted computers when they controlled the direction in which the information flowed .
20 It was n't until she had successfully launched The Body Shop on to the Unlisted Securities Market that she began to examine the direction in which the business was going and to start articulating its mission in a definitive way .
21 This should normally indicate a direction in which the card is out of position , for
22 Certainly I can not deduce which goals to pursue from the facts to be faced ; but will it not be a causally necessary condition of obeying ‘ Face facts ’ that I let myself be moved , at least incipiently , in the direction in which the facing of the facts would cause me to move ?
23 And , crucial to the direction in which the Report develops is the claim that both education and English should be properly conceived as offering guidance in the gaining of experience ; experience ( as will be seen ) which provides a necessary foundation for the development of a free humane identity both at the level of the individual and of society .
24 The car drove off towards the seafront , the same direction in which the woman 's attackers fled .
25 This in turn brings about an increase in the permeability of the sodium ions of the adjacent part in the direction in which the impulse is passing .
26 The direction in which the carriage knits or slips is controlled by which Part button you choose on the Brother , which Empty control on the Toyota and the positions of the side levers on the Knitmaster and Silver machines .
27 Using the vowel frame , the articulation place of the diphthongs is as follows ( the arrows indicating the direction in which the tongue rises slightly .
28 Having suggested the predominant direction in which the movement has gone , i.e towards informalisation , Wouters sets out to explain it .
29 But at the end of 1990 the group was reorganised and Mr Wise was less happy with the outcome : ‘ I found the general direction in which the group was going did n't really satisfy me in terms of long-term interests or challenge , so I decided to bite the bullet . ’
30 Because of the direction in which the Earth revolves , the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west .
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