Example sentences of "throw [pron] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 At any moment and with no warning he 'll throw himself on to the floor and do like a hundred push-ups .
2 She threw them on to the table and looked down at Doyle and Tug .
3 He then threw them on to the ground in the tinder-dry hay loft without putting them out properly , it is alleged .
4 He pulled off his work jeans and threw them on to the little pile in the corner .
5 The shop-keeper nodded with eventual understanding , cut off a huge bunch of bright green grapes and threw them on to the scales .
6 Alex threw himself on to the floor and rolled over and over shouting , ‘ I do n't want her !
7 The 63-year-old woman , named only as Christel R , threw herself on to the spinning blade at Beverungen , Germany .
8 Then she threw herself on to the bed and stuck the pillow over her head , biting her teeth together , absolutely determined not to cry .
9 But the corridor remained silent , and with a sob of despair she threw herself on to the bed and cried till her store of tears was used up .
10 Then one of them held her , threw her on to the dry dirt road and started to undo his belt .
11 She tried to twist free , but in one deft movement he hooked his arm beneath her knees and , completely oblivious to her struggles , threw her on to the bed .
12 He threw her on to the bed , his face red with rage .
13 On an impulse , he removed his cap and threw it on to the back seat .
14 ‘ You cow , ’ cried Sam , without malice : only a few months ago she would have pressed the plum into her friend 's hair , but now she threw it on to the pavement where it lay easily among the cabbage stalks and traces of vomit .
15 He collected and threw it back to the pursuing fielder with an easy gesture-then suddenly clutched at his left side .
16 Sometimes on their fronts , sometimes on their backs , sometimes half standing , they threw themselves down to the damp coils below .
17 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
18 With a flick of its head , it throws them on to the water .
19 But that throws you back to the problem .
20 After Brunnhilde throws herself on to the pyre Valhalla comes to an end , to be replaced by a new era of human love .
21 He heard later that a suicide had thrown himself on to the line .
22 Before Folly could take in what was happening , Luke had crossed the room in a few strides and almost thrown himself on to the sofa .
23 His whole body felt bruised from the speed at which Doyle had dragged him round and thrown him on to the floor when they heard the shout outside .
24 He walked around picking up files , looking at them and then throwing them on to the floor .
25 Well if you throw it over to the meeting , all of those would come would only be interested would n't they ? which is what you want .
26 He wanted to pick up something from the breakfast table and throw it on to the floor , the plate from which Mr Blakey had eaten his fry , the apricot jam , the tea-pot , the bundle of knives and forks that Kate had collected and put on top of the pile of green cereal bowls .
27 As the London Underground becomes more dishevelled and unpredictable , so the number of suicides who throw themselves on to the track seems to increase .
28 A silence fell on the room , and its increasing heaviness made her heave herself up from the couch and take the three steps to throw herself on to the seat beside him ; and to put an arm around his shoulder and say , ‘ Come on , lad , come on .
29 Erm you know people know the answers questions or they 've got an idea material of your own experience you know a lot more than they do , but it 's good technique to throw it back to the group .
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