Example sentences of "assume [conj] the [noun sg] will " in BNC.

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1 All the advice we have read assumes that the wife will claim a refund of tax on her low income , rather than share a husband 's income so as to take full advantage of allowances .
2 The model assumes that the buyer will pass through this series of steps , whether it be consciously or unconsciously , until the purchase is ( or is not ) made .
3 Not only does the hearer assume it is the same ‘ man ’ who is being talked about throughout , he also assumes that the man will stay in the same place unless the speaker announces that he moves .
4 It assumes that the question will be considered with a basic knowledge of the topic .
5 In sinking air even this would not be enough to allow for much choice and , of course , it assumes that the descent will be made over open countryside and not amongst hills or moorland .
6 That is , at the beginning of the spell of unemployment the individual assumes that the environment will remain unchanged and carries out an optimisation to obtain the optimal reservation wage ; but someone still unemployed at time T is assumed to reoptimise taking the changed environment into account .
7 Normally , one would assume that the particle will move on a straight line away from A. However , according to the sum over histories , it can move on any path that starts at A. It is like what happens when you place a drop of ink on a piece of blotting paper .
8 To assume that the proletariat will be able to defend its dictatorship against entanglement is to assume in history itself a substantial and given principle which would drive ambiguity from it , sum it up , totalise it , and close it .
9 If Eastern Europe gets massive assistance it is logical to assume that the South will get less .
10 In addition , it seems reasonable to assume that the development will attain an occupancy rate much higher than that at present .
11 As expert systems are designed for use by persons who have some general understanding of the knowledge domain , it is reasonable to assume that the user will take at least some of the responsibility for the output obtained .
12 One has to assume that the report will be read critically ( though this may be a rather optimistic view ) .
13 If the young adult dog or puppy sees the owner run screaming to the house in terror , it is not unreasonable to assume that the dog will quickly follow .
14 The mistake , of either party , is to assume that the coalition will continue for other issues .
15 However , it would be wrong to assume that the future will be dominated by a material , objectified consciousness .
16 A reasonable starting point may be to assume that the process will vary for individuals and for different types of text .
17 The financial forecasts assume that the University will in due course succeed in recovering from the research councils the funds which it is expected will be lost from its HEFCE grant under the DR-shift .
18 In general , the complications introduced by having to predict changes both of system and of behaviour are so great that most forecasters assume that the system will not change ( except by evolution ) and claim that if everything is going to change there is not much point in having a forecast anyway because there will no longer be an organisation to act upon it .
19 Therefore , I assume that the Opposition will want to give the Bill an unopposed Second Reading .
20 When we set out to do something new we often assume that the baseline will continue as it always has done .
21 Assuming that the husband will be the conveying party or transferor , it would seem appropriate that his solicitors should be allowed custody of the title deeds and act , in effect , as the " vendor 's solicitors " .
22 ( Some 15 other states where the Moral Majority are by no means the silent majority , had hoped to pass similar laws , but it is now assumed that the case will go to appeal and eventually reach the Supreme Court ) .
23 The licence may be for a fixed , perhaps renewable , period of time or there may be no mention of duration , in which case it can be assumed that the licence will last as long as the software is subject to copyright protection .
24 Because the economy is in recession , it is widely assumed that the government will and should cut interest rates .
25 Actually , this is a bit optimistic because we have assumed that the material will go on obeying Hooke 's law right up to failure .
26 Also it should not be assumed that the vendor will wish solely to extract the profit from the company .
27 And this is what distinguishes the reading of literature from the reading of philosophy which requires that one understands as fully as possible what is meant , and where it is assumed that the writing will illustrate the meaning in a direct and immediate way .
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