Example sentences of "assume [conj] [pron] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the significant number of labouring poets who published through the century , Hands assumed that her social position would constitute an obstacle to the acceptance of her work .
2 She will assume that her villainous son has been involved in yet more villainy . ’
3 To explore what these relationships are let's just use the example of total product , right , so we will be looking at total product curves , right , T P Okay and lets assume that our total product right , is simply a function labour and capital .
4 First , how dare she assume that our main goal is to walk , without consulting us in the first place .
5 Considering the wretchedness for which these floating prisons later became infamous it was an unhappy endorsement and one can only assume that his short-term view of a particular problem was allowed to obscure his longer term aims .
6 Unfortunately we do not have a detailed , turn-by-turn transcription of her interactions , but it is reasonable to assume that her linguistic accommodation was preceded by an assessment of how her interlocutor might be expected to talk ; in other words , that Sue 's assumption of a persona would be mediated through a stereotype of the linguistic behaviour of the group to which she felt her customer belonged .
7 Difficult though it was for her , however , are we entitled to assume that her French upbringing was bound to give her an adverse picture of her Scottish kingdom , and that her view was justified ?
8 I assume that my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) is referring in part to the article in the Evening Standard of Monday 27 January headed ’ Chunnel doubts grow over King 's Cross ’ .
9 Assuming that your American Express Gold Card will not quite meet the difference between your cash resources and the cost of the aircraft , then it is necessary to borrow the money — and repay it .
10 Birds respond to a wide range of sounds but for many years it was assumed that their low-frequency hearing was poorer than ours .
11 Is it to be assumed that his very presence amounts to an implied threat ?
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