Example sentences of "division [prep] [noun] within [art] " in BNC.

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1 Second , the division of responsibility within the county areas was seen as a weakness ; and many local authorities were seen as too small to accept the responsibilities appropriate to the needs of their areas .
2 The declaration appeared to have enormous implications for the future state structure and division of powers within the Soviet Union , but had been significantly watered down since its submission in draft form , in order to satisfy the broadest range of deputies from conservative hardliners to radical reformers ( there were no fewer than 27 factions within the Congress ) .
3 So the nature of the domestic organisation , or disorganisation , the roles adopted , the division of tasks within a family , the ways of communicating , and expressing feelings verbally and non-verbally , must all be taken into account in exploring the significance of interaction .
4 In the absence of more sophisticated data , the calculation of the numbers of married women and men living on low incomes has been forced to assume an equal division of income within the income unit .
5 As things stand the division of money within the game is fast becoming a simple reflection of everyday life : a few get rich , the rest struggle along .
6 They chart its effects on employment , on the division of labour within a family and on the care of children and elderly relatives .
7 it looks at the context of family life , ageing , the role of work and the division of labour within the household .
8 As long as the attitudes to women 's status and obligations and the division of labour within the family remain unchanged , it is difficult to believe that gender will be irrelevant to politics .
9 It is now generally accepted that there is a division of labour within the brain , with different parts of the brain carrying out different functions .
10 Men also gain from the unequal division of labour within the home , in which women do more than their fair share of housework .
11 There is , in other words , a division of labour within the home .
12 One could argue , for instance , that the conditions of work and the forms of division of labour within the operating unit should be the subject of democratic decision-making within that unit while the general investment policy of the enterprise should be decided at the ‘ higher ’ level , by means of a mechanism involving representatives from the operating units , central enterprise staff and national planners ( assuming , that is , the kind of investment planning referred to above ) .
13 Finally , we may designate the division of labour within the workshops as division of labour in detail ’ ( Marx , 1976 , p. 471 — emphasis added ) .
14 Finally , what he calls the ‘ division of labour in detail ’ will here be referred to as the division of labour within the enterprise .
15 For Marx , the further development of this form of division of labour in society appears as a prerequisite of the division of labour within the enterprise under capitalism :
16 In Marx 's view , this ‘ total mechanism ’ or regulated system of division of labour within the enterprise develops in two stages : those of manufacture proper , and large-scale machine industry .
17 To summarise this conception : for both Marx and Braverman the developed form of the division of labour within the capitalist enterprise is not so much a technical division of tasks — as in early manufacture — but a socially determined structure , reflecting the exigencies of the production of surplus value .
18 But the division of labour within the enterprise is not a juggernaut which crushes out all trace of ‘ skill ’ or peculiarity in the wage-labour of each and every branch of production , and neither can the ‘ capitalist ’ attain the Taylorist ideal of total control over labour .
19 If the division of labour within the enterprise were as ( tendentially ) uniform as Marx and Braverman suppose then there would be little problem in specifying this ‘ division by strata ’ : it would simply be the paradigmatic division within the enterprise ( mass of simple labour , restricted cadre of intellectual workers and N.C.O.s ) writ large .
20 A careful division of labour within the team sought to ensure that most aspects of the programme ( with notable omissions referred to in previous chapters ) would be effectively managed .
21 However , none of these changes affected the sexual division of labour within the home , and the equality of tasks and responsibilities that began to be envisioned for husbands and wives after World War II was in practice often associated with subordinate and superior status .
22 The research provides , through a lengthy national survey , detailed information on how the experience of recession has affected such matters as relations at the work-place , the structure of the labour market , de-skilling and the impact of new technology , the division of labour within the family and the effects of unemployment .
23 Yes , can I bring this argument a bit closer to home and talk about the sexual division of labour within the family , which I think is one of the underlying causes of discrimination against women , and that 's really just a fancy term for the fact that when we talk about child care women do most of the work and men do very little , and really I do n't think we can look at the position of women without looking at how , in fact , child care and caring is organized within the family .
24 I was quite interested in erm a study done by a woman , Mary Bolton , erm the actual work that was done and the sexual division of labour within the home , and in fact she looked at some of the previous studies that had been done and came up with a result that actually erm when men did some it was regarded as a lot , of housework , erm and that when you actually went back to count the number of hours and the number of minutes , you discover that men were doing very , very little .
25 I think it 's very patchy , but I think that there is some evidence that , certainly younger men , younger people and younger men are much more willing to erm accept that there is division of labour within the home and that women equally should be going out to work as men .
26 By the same token , the exchange relation expressing the social division of labour and the separation of the socio-production organisation into independent capitalist enterprises is replaced by a technical division of labour within an organised ‘ national economy ’ .
27 Any notion that the internal division of power within a company was the result of a consensual arrangement between the shareholders seemed purely fictional .
28 The directors are , firstly , made accountable to the shareholders by structuring the internal division of power within the company so that the shareholders have the power to appoint and dismiss directors and to supervise them whilst in office .
29 the Internal Division of Power within the Company as a Means of Controlling Managerial Power
30 In this paper I want to examine recent developments in three areas of social policy : income maintenance , taxation and family law , exposing the assumptions made about the division of responsibilities within the family on which debates and changes have been based .
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