Example sentences of "determine not by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The conditions under which women , particularly married women , acquire maintenance from the state are determined not by a desire to maintain their incentives to take waged work , but by a concern that they will continue their unwaged work for caring for their families .
2 But the loss , damage or delay has occurred during the carriage by the other means of transport and was not caused by an act or omission of the carrier by road is determined not by the CMR but by the applicable international convention .
3 The court said that the parties had chosen the manner by which they wished to have their disputes resolved , and that the wording of the clause did not leave any scope for saying that , in so far as that matter was one of law , it was to be determined not by the expert but by the court .
4 Which Councils — more often than not called synods during the first thousand years — were ecumenical was determined not by the pope , but by their reception in the Church at large .
5 There must be a limit to a tribunal 's jurisdiction , but that limit is determined not by the truth or falsehood of its findings but by their scope or nature .
6 By nationalising the right to use land for a new purpose — in this case , to build houses on it — the Act has placed on all building land a value which is both high ( because monopolistic ) and arbitrary ( because determined not by the market but by the individual , unappealable decisions of the Central Land Board in assessing ‘ development charge ’ ) .
7 In the homoeopathic approach , on the other hand , the treatment is determined not by the condition from which the patient is suffering but from his or her reaction to that condition , the totality of the symptom picture .
8 For example , Marx 's economic theory insists that behind the surface phenomenon of wildly fluctuating market prices for goods and services there lies an underlying and controlling structure of values , which are determined not by the supply and demand forces which obsess ‘ bourgeois ’ economists , but by the laws of the labour theory of value .
9 They have suggested that the loss of associability suffered by a pre-exposed stimulus is determined not by the extent to which it is predicted by its antecedents but by the relationship it bears to subsequent events .
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