Example sentences of "result from [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lack of concentration , poor memory , ‘ slowness ’ , drowsiness , depression , anxiety and irritability can all result from lack of oxygen .
2 Care should be taken with frost claims as the damage could result from lack of maintenance or the policyholder 's failure to take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of their property .
3 A third source , the Chronicle of 452 , gives a date of 415 , which is plainly wrong , although the error may result from confusion of Athaulf 's period of rule in Narbonne with the later settlement .
4 Africa is characterised by rampant population growth , uncontrolled urban expansion , declining irrigated land resulting in food shortages and progressive deforestation , some of which results from use of wood as an energy source .
5 One of the major causes of water hardness , calcium ( and magnesium ) bicarbonate has the very useful property of buffering , that is preventing or reducing pH changes resulting from addition of acids or alkalis .
6 One out-break in the Netherlands involed the consumption of raw herring which harboured the larvae in their muscles , but the most widespread endemic cycle is usually recognised as being between seals and cod , and for this reason there is pressure in some fishing communities for the reduction of seal populations in order to diminish the economic loss resulting from rejection of fish at inspection .
7 Thus tree rings are differentiated by the types , density and size of cell laid down at different times of the year ; varves by the gradation in particle size resulting from sedimentation of debris released into rivers and carried to lakes by the annual melt of glaciers ; and ice core layers by differences in dust content and acidity .
8 Again , the improvement in welfare resulting from increased spending power may be offset by a reduction in welfare resulting from loss of leisure .
9 In the simplest of all cases , when an animal dies from natural causes such as old age , starvation or disease , there will be no modification resulting from cause of death .
10 However , as it was found to be the lack of care which followed the loss of a parent , rather than the loss itself , which explained the child 's increased risk of depression in adulthood , the same vulnerability can be expected to result from lack of care in intact family homes ( Harris et al. , 1986 ) .
11 Asked about reports of detainees killed [ see p. 38425 ] he said that they were exaggerated although " there were incidents of neglect that resulted from lack of self-control in some units " and senior officers , including some members of the CMSN had been disciplined .
12 The violence in Belgium , India , Yugoslavia and the problems in Canada have all resulted from fear of domination by one group within the federation ( Walloons , Hindus , Serbs , English speaking Canadians , respectively ) .
13 Four were from Edinburgh , and possibly resulted from consultation of copies borrowed outwith the normal inter-library loan system .
14 The down side , of course , is that hasty discharges often result from shortage of beds and thus the new procedures will probably block beds .
15 We believe that the consistently low values of HNO 3 measured inside the vortex in spring ( Fig. 2 ) result from conversion of HNO 3 from the gas to the solid phase , probably accompanied by loss from the atmosphere altogether by sedimentation .
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