Example sentences of "lack of [noun] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the hypothesis which could be proposed , attributes the lack of modification in mitochondrial genome expression to over expression of the intact genome population , or to a substantial increase in the overall concentration of mitochondrial genomes per nuclear genome ( therefore in the intact mitochondrial genome concentration ) .
2 The lack of change in metabolic control during our study may explain the stability of the hypoglycaemic experience of our subjects throughout .
3 Had their remit been wider , they might well have discovered that many of the teachers ' anxieties about LMS arose from a lack of faith in school-level decision-making and a feeling of being somehow ‘ outside ’ the decision-making process : a ‘ victim ’ of change rather than an agent of it .
4 His view about Orkney — which is his local area — showed a lack of faith in social workers to the extent of preferring society 's problems to be solved informally .
5 And the kind of criticisms split down the middle , as well , on furnishings , that by and large men were far more concerned about the , the lack of durability in modern furnishings compared with their parents ' , whereas women were n't so concerned with that .
6 This exception is the equivalent of lack of dishonesty in other parts of the Act .
7 Even if such a sweeping conclusion is not warranted , retributivists should be strongly critical of many aspects of our penal system , not least the lack of consistency in sentencing practices ( see Chapter 4 ) which means that offenders are to a great extent not dealt with in proportion to their just deserts .
8 It would lead to lack of competition in local retailing and an increasing reliance on basic ‘ no frills ’ stores , selling only a restricted range of products .
9 Lack of progress in Middle East peace negotiations — Events in occupied territories
10 He then taught in a higher elementary school , but became critical of the local Bolsheviks ' lack of progress in educational and social affairs .
11 Support for the Scottish farming industry assurance scheme , FASL , however , showed clear signs of dwindling fast with many former strong supporters in the Aberdeen and Kincardine ranks deploring the recent resignation from the beef committee and the apparent lack of progress in attracting members .
12 His lack of experience in foreign affairs , as well as a tendency to act hastily , was revealed also when he sent US Marines and the 82nd Airborne into the Dominican Republic in 1965 ( p. 139 ) .
13 Despite the lack of opportunity in regular wage-earning work , official unemployment figures are not very high ( see Table 6.4 ) .
14 New pastures indeed and I regret my lack of education in historical bibliography .
15 Pastiche and lack of originality in popular culture is therefore seen as the result .
16 Factors such as the parasitic reliance on the stage and the book , the lack of attention given to screenwriting , the lack of flexibility in studio-based production and , at Stoll , a studio floor so constructed that it accommodated the noise and bustle of five films at the same time , had a deadening effect on anyone who came into the industry with new ideas or fresh visions .
17 Through the 1920s growing pressures were exerted by a rapidly increasing population , a growing industrial sector largely dependent on imported raw materials and fuel — for example , raw cotton , iron ore and oil — and a lack of self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs such as soya beans and rice .
18 Possibly the West Saxon monarchy 's links with the new monasticism had something to do with its lack of popularity in northern Mercia and Northumbria .
19 Then , as now , people had nicknames as they do in Wales , and I have always suspected that this type of labelling has causes other than the lack of variety in local surnames .
20 The lack of liability in unlawful act manslaughter for an omission which caused death has been criticised on the grounds that an omission , especially a deliberate one , is blameworthy , and it can cause death .
21 Franco was quick to exploit the lack of unity in Allied attitudes to Spain , accusing the United States of intransigence and ingratitude and stating defiantly that Spain would not curtail its aid to Germany under Allied duress .
22 Those who were familiar with them thought that they were unworkable , given the huge volume of other responsibilities on consultant staff , their lack of training in educational methods , and the absence of support services in most hospitals .
23 This provides a graphic illustration of the erosion of headlands and the general lack of erosion in pronounced embayments .
24 Banking in particular , seems particularly susceptible to failures in foreign markets caused by reactive pressures — much of the Third World debt problems can be traced to banks looking for easy foreign expansion routes when faced by lack of growth in domestic markets .
25 Despite such success stories , Greta Burkill 's persistent correspondence with universities , the Education Ministry , the Home Office and the International Student Service ( IS S ) suggests a frightening lack of imagination in high places .
26 However , as it was found to be the lack of care which followed the loss of a parent , rather than the loss itself , which explained the child 's increased risk of depression in adulthood , the same vulnerability can be expected to result from lack of care in intact family homes ( Harris et al. , 1986 ) .
27 During the past 12 years the Government have shown a lack of interest in regional economic policies .
28 The Centre for Research on User Studies asked its respondents to indicate ‘ topics for which you think there is most need for external provision of training ’ , and while there was little evidence of lack of interest in external training or lack of perceived need , there was also little evidence of discrimination between needs that could be met by a range of methods and needs that could only be met by external provision .
29 There is no greeting behaviour and a general lack of interest in other orang-utans , and tension between animals is rare .
30 The first stage in the demise of the hacker is marked by a lack of interest in other subjects .
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