Example sentences of "sound as [conj] it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 I asked , trying not to sound as if it were a matter of life and death .
2 Claudia said , trying to sound as if it were of no real interest to her .
3 ‘ A young friend of ours , ’ I said , trying to sound as if it was the most natural thing in the world that we should be sitting here , holding hands .
4 Bernard 's voice sounded as if it was opening a fete , big-hearted and patronizing .
5 A little earlier when they 'd listened to the Army vehicle 's wireless her hearing had been so acute that every syllable spoken sounded as if it were being shouted directly into her ear .
6 John and the rest of the room seemed to be miles away — even my own voice , when I produced it finally , sounded as if it were coming down a long-distance telephone .
7 The American film-maker Maya Deren says somewhere that ‘ response should always precede analysis ’ , a remark which sounds as if it was made as an artist 's challenge to academic dryness and formalism .
8 The good news is that as none of your other fishes have shown any signs of disease it sounds as if it was something non-infectious , so that you should have nothing to worry about regarding their health .
9 The tune sounds as if it was dictated to Rose Fox by a three-year-old child .
10 It sounded as if it was meant .
11 She sounded as if it was something he was going to be pleased about .
12 It sounded as if it was somewhere up in the farm buildings .
13 The usual heavy roar of four Merlin engines was muted — it sounded as if it was limping .
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